|The lab Part 4|

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Tom got up in the original room, and he was confused. He was wondering how he was alive even though he died in the water.
What he didn't know was that this wasn't his original room. This was a test room.
An audio clip played.
"You have to get to the other side tom no matter how many times you die you will come back,"

Tom replied, unsure if it was true

Lasers activated in the room,lots of extreme drops and heights.
Tom got past the lasers, so he thought, without realising Tom had a giant whole in his chest.
He passed out.
He woke up in front of the lasers and saw a giant drop he tried jumping over but failed he started failing quickly, but he teleported to the other side.
"Wow, I can teleport."
He said to himself.
He then climbed up the wall, knowing he could do a safer option, but went with a harder one. Halfway up, he fell to the start of the climb, and he broke all of his bones.
His bones healed quickly, and he teleported where he was, but missiles were launched at him, so he jumped on them to the stop, but one went the other way, exploding on him, launching him to the wall.
He later teleported on missile, where he managed to use the force to turn it to the top of the wall.
He made it to the top
"Congratulations, Tom,"
Said an audio tape.
The gas started going in the room, but Tom used the force to stop it his armour activated, making him climb onto the roof and out of an exit.

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