|The betrayal|

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Tom was sat on a rock which was on a cliff watching his raptors circle in for their kill.
Said a voice.
"Yes Amelia?"
Tom replied
"When can I do what my task w-"
Amelia got cut off by Tom
"Now,go make sure everyone in hell is happy"
Tom demanded.
"Yes sir."
They replied.
Amelia teleported to hell.
Said a voice that came from a bush.
Tom asked.
Alex replied.
"So who where you talking to?"
"Well uh-uhm-u-"
Tom stuttered.
Without hesitation Tom grabbed Alex's head and ripped it off and threw it to the Raptors,he would then make Alex alive again and forget what happened.
"What happened?"
Alex was confused and started looking around.
The Raptors start approaching Alex
While Alex was screaming Tom teleported her onto the cliff.
"Don't tell anyone what they are understand?"
Alex said Tom.
Tom teleported Alex to the others and teleported the Raptors back to their home.

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