{Family part 1}

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SpiritWatcherFantasy told me I should make this  after I suggested it so go read their books cause epic
"Should we find him?"
Someone said.
"No dear,he will us."
Someone replied
"This is alot of bodies"
Tom said to himself while dragging them across the forest.
He heard a twig snap.
Tom jumped onto a tree branch and was looking around to see what was going on.
He then sensed a heart beat going fast.
He jumped tree to tree just to see a deer was munching on some ferns.
Tom said.
"This is a wasted of time, but I'll still kill them."
He lunged onto the deers back and crushed it straight away, he then flipped it over and ripped out its ribcage exposing its organs.
He then walked of and left it to rot.
Meanwhile with the other poeple.
"You know what I'm gonna take him here anyway."
One of them said.
"You cant"
The other replied
The other person Shouted
"It's to dangerous for you"
They replied.
"You know what,jm just gonna do it anyway"
The other one said as they teleported away.
Back with tom
"Why do I feel a familiar presence again?"
Tom said to himself.
"Tom you there?"
A voice said.
"It can't be..."
Tom said to himself I disbelief
They Shouted again.
Tom teleported behind them.
Tom said to them
His sister lunged at him hugging him uncontrollably.
"You can stop now."
Tom said.
"Oh right"
They chuckled.
"Why are you here?"
Tom asked.
"I missed you to much"
His sister replied.
"So sis where do you live?"
Tom said
"You forgot my name didn't you?"
They replied.
"I did sorry"
Tom said
"It's fine,it's Lauren"
They replied.
"So well where do you live Lauren?"
Tom asked again.
"With mother,in a bunker"
Lauren answered
Tom went silent inraged she said that.
"So you want to go there?"
She asked.
"Oh ye I'll get my things"
Tom said.

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