|Joining the squad|

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Tom turned around.
"Hello there"
He replied
"I'm here to see if your sure you don't want to join my friend group but seeing what you did I would say that's a no"
They said.
"You know what"
Tom replied.
"I'll join"
The other person's body language shows they were excited he said yes.
"Well I'll take you to where my friends are"
They said.
Tom replied.
"Oh I forgot to say my name, it's spirit"
They answered.
"Nice name"
Tom replied.
Sprit didn't respond Tom just thought they just didn't want to speak at the moment.
They appeared where the others were.
"We are here"
Spirit answered.
"Cool and sorry for not telling my name it's Tom"
He said trying to stay in a conversation.
"That's is a epic name!"
Spirit said.
"Thanks I guess."
Tom looked around the place.
Spirit Shouted.
Other things came out of where they were.
"This is Alex"
Spirit pointed at a hell hound.
"Hello there stranger"
Alex said.
"Hello Alex, my name is Tom"
Tom replied.
"That's Kai"
Spirit pointed to a person making vines.
Tom waved at Kai who then waved back.
"And finnaly Gale"
Tom recognised Gale from before and Gale recognised him to.
Tom reached his hand out for a hand shake but Gale didn't shake his hand.
"Well my name is Tom"
He said.
"That name is worse then mine"
Said Gale.
"Gale don't be rude to him he's new to the sqaud."
Kai said.
"Fine I'll just go on a walk"
Gale said strutting off.
"It seems nice here"
Tom said
"That's good"
All of them said.
"Anyways I'm gonna go on a walk to"
Tom said before walking the way Gale  went.
Tom eventually found Gale.
"Ready for round 2 I see"
Said Gale.
"Try see if you can do something this time"
Tom answered before Gale rushed at him.
Tom moved out of the way and tripped Gale up.
He then used the force to pick him up and slam him against the floor many times.
"Give up?"
Tom said.
Gale said begging to live.
Tom dropped him and started walking off but Gale jumped on him and started pounding on Tom's back but Tom grabbed his neck and threw him off and stomped on gales head many times.
"Now you will die"
Tom said before opening his mouth where a purple glow was getting brighter then a line of atomic breath cut him In half perfectly.
Tom then erased all memories of Gale in the universe. Tom now knowing he can kill whenever he wants to.

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