|Familiar presence|

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While Tom was on a rampage, he felt a presence he felt before, and he slowly turned around.
He saw the person who got him out from his personal hell.
They said.
Tom replied.
"I know we don't know each other well, but since we've seen each other multiple times, I realised that maybe you probably don't feel accepted to."
They said to Tom.
"Well, you are right,"
Tom replied, knowing everything they said was true.
"Wanna join my group?"
The person said.
"I decline the offer."
Tom replied.
They answered as they teleported away.
Tom said to himself.
Tom then heard running. He turned around so fast and grabbed the person with a metal tentacle as he brought them to him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Tom said.
The person filled with fear as they stopped moving Tom, then grabbed their head and crushed it.

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