12- I can do this

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Glenn, T-Dog, Theresa, Ashlyn and Kyllian had made it to the farmhouse. It was a beacon of light in the absolute darkness of the night. They paused in front of the porch.

"So do we ring the bell?" Glenn asked. "I mean, it looks like people live here."

"I think they're expecting us." Kyllian insisted as he stepped forward. "They told us to come here."

"We're past having to be considerate." T-Dog added as he followed him. He swayed with each step, the fever still ran his body ragged.

"Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" The same woman from this afternoon asked from the dark.

Kyllian jumped a little and Glenn stammered. "Uh, hi. Did the latch and everything." There was another pause. "Well nice to see you again. We met before briefly."

"Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog asked.

"I'm an ER nurse. I can jump in to help Carl." Theresa added. She nudged towards T-Dog. "He needs to rest. He's sick."

"It's not a bite. I, uh... cut myself pretty bad though." He added.

"We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here." The young woman replied.

"He's had some painkillers and Doxycycline. We've got more of both." Theresa added.

"Come on inside. I'll make you something to eat." She said with a slight smile as she opened the door.

"Oh, hell yes." Kyllian cheered.

Theresa whacked him on his arm. Around these parts people could be very religious. It was better to keep words like hell out of your mouth. She scraped her throat and glared at him, silently urging him to apologize.

"Uhm, sorry." He mumbled. "Yes, thank you, I'd love something to eat."

It wasn't much later when they were given something simple to eat

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It wasn't much later when they were given something simple to eat. It was fresh and it was the best damn food any of them had eaten since being on the road. After eating, Theresa offered to help Hershel, the man of the house. He accepted her help. Now the life of a young boy rested in the hands of a veterinarian and an ER nurse.

Carl woke up for a moment and had the chance to talk to his parents. Then he started seizing. His body rocked violently. Theresa physically pushed Lori and Rick out of the room. This wasn't something a parent should see. They let Carl go through his seizure, there wasn't anything he could hurt himself on.

"He needs another transfusion." Hershel said. He cut short on his reasoning because he knew she'd already come to the same conclusion.

"Rick can't take it anymore. I fear he'll die if he we try." Theresa shook her head. "My oldest, his blood type is O negative."

"Go." He nodded quickly.

She ran to the door. "Kyllian come here."

He jumped to his feet, despite being mid dinner. There was such an urgency in her voice that he couldn't ignore it. "Yes?" He asked once he made it to the door.

At the end of the world- A walking dead fanfic, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now