medic (leah. w)

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Pairing: Leah williamson x medic!f!Reader.

Warnings: love at first sight, a little bit off cursing, just fluff.

Words: 1.2k

I had always wanted to do something with sports and biologie, so being a sports doctor was the perfect match.

So when the english women's national team reached out and asked me to be part off their medical team,  i felt super excited and accepted their offer imeadiatly.

The first few days were more likely spend with the other medical staff and the head coach, sarina wiegman.

She and all the other staff had made me feel very welcome and comfterball.

And soon it was time to meat and treat the first players.

'You must be the newbie,' i look up to see one off my favorite defenders, millie bright.

'Yes i am, y/n y/l/n, pleasure to meet you ma'am,' i hear a dramatic gasp from someone behind the tall defender.

Her bestfriend, rachel daly acted like she had been shot or something like that.

'Mills, what a manners, you could learn something from that, you must even feel older now that she called you ma'am,' millie rolles her eyes at her bestfriends antics.

'Please just call me millie or mills.' I shyly nod.

'So millie,' i drag out her name a little more, making rachel laugh. 'What can i do for ya today?'  She points to her knee and a few other places on her leg where she either needed me to look at or to tape it in.

'Well thank you darling, i enjoyed it a lot, maybe we will see you by breakfeast, we will save you a seat,' she walks to the door.

'Later love,' rachel calls out before quickly following millie.

I bend down a little to grab some stuff that had dropped on the floor, slightly laughing as i think about their funny and chaotic friendship.

'Your smile is really pretty,' a voice says out off no where.

I felt like my soul jist escaped my body as i jumped up and hit my head against the wall.

'Oh i am sorry, i did not intened to scare you in any soet off way, here let me help you up,' the beautifull voice belonged to an even prettier face.

'Was she an angel?' The face and voice that belonged to leah williamson laughs.

'No, no i am not, but it is a very nice compliment coming from a person as beautifull as yourself,' i coul have slapped myself right there and then when i realised o had said it out loud.

But the flirty comment made me blush even more.

'Dont be shy my love,' i was afraid if she said one more thing like that, that you could start cooking eggs on my face.

Her  piercing - blue eyes gazing at me did also not help.

'Well. doctor,' she said doctor eith an lower voice then was necesary.

'Could you examen me? I am afraid something is wrong with my heart as it started beating for you,' she was smotth i admitted after those damned words had fallen from her lips.

'And why would you think i was interested in you,' i murmer, right next to her ear.

'Because,' she grabs me by the waist, pulling me eve  closer and flushing her hips against mine.

'You just fell for me and had diffculties getting up,' she smirks, but due to how close we were and due to my mouth still being right next to her ear, i could her hot breath fanning and creating goosebumps on the sensitive skin  there.

'That was because you scared me ms. Williamson.' I look her straight in the eyes.

'And i did not want to get fired on my first day becaus ei was messing with one off their stars in the medical room,' this time it was her who was blushing whilest she slowly stepped away from me.

'Alright what can i help you with?'

'Leah, please love, just call me leah.' I softly smile at her before nodding.

'Fine, what can i help you with leah?' She smiles before answering and letting me treat her, after a minute or ten i was done.

'Anything else i could do for you leah?' She shyly smiles.

'Well you could give me your number and let me treat you on a date,' i was shoked by how forward and blunt she was.

'Give me your arm,' she does as i say, i role up her sleeve and write dowm my number on her arm.

'First prove to me that you are worth to spend my time and love, i do not really trust sharp tongued flirters,' she turned bright red at those words.

'I will prove that i am good enough for you ,' she just smiles, ' just keep waiting for me, please,' she opens the door for herself.

'I will leah, i will,'

And thag is what she did for the next two weeks.

She brought me flowers, chocolate and all other kinds off presents, she would acompany me to dinner and would help me out with some medical stuff after she had finished her training or gym session.

We even went so far that i spend a night in her room, to watch a movie, while georgia spended the night by keira and lucy who swore to keep silent and not to tell a singel soul about this.

A day later.

He nerves were racing through my body with the speed off lightning when the kick off whistle blew through the stadium as it marked the start off a match against the usa, the number one ranked nation in the world.

That it was also my first game as the new medic was quiet the nerve wrecking honor.

Around when the half time whistle blew and the usa were up ahead with 1-0, i decided that i had to give leah a small motivation speech, seeming like she could really use it right now.

'Leah,'she looks at me confused as i grab her hand, putting her down on the dressing room bench.

'I might not know how difficult it is, but i know you need to show them, that the game is not over yet and that this team will use evrything in their power to fight until the end, do you understand?' She smiles as i look at her, the dressing room now filled with claps and cheers.

'Now get out there and win,'

My speech had clearly worked as they were leading 2-1 in the 89th minute and some players off the other team were clearly frustrated.

What i did not expect that when the final whistle blew, tha one off the players from the usa shooted the ball against my chest.

The whole benched stormed on the field to argue with the player who did it.

An arm pulls me up and takes me in the players tunnel.

'Well it looks like it is my time to take care off you,' leah's voice filled my body with a sense off safety and comfort the moment i heared it.

'I guess you will doctor williamson,' i smirk looking her up and down.

'Lets go home,'

Thanks for reading x

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