jelousy in disguise (leah w)

3.6K 52 6

Pairing: williamson x reader

Warnings: miscomunication, self- doubt, smut and the rest is fluff

Words: 1k

'Darling, wait up,' i hear leah yell behind me after walking out of the changing rooms to the trainings pitch,

I had been slightly ignoring her on purpose, 'why' you might ask,

Well, rachel and millie had dared me to ignore her for an whole day to prove that we were just friends.

and lets say, she hadnt punished me in a long time, and despite pushing her buttons she didnt do anything about it,

And me being me, i would love to see how far i can push before she finnaly snaps, and i would want to win that dare of course.

'Hey luce,' i hug the taller woman, pressing her longer against me then normal friends would.

'Trying to get leah by playing hard to get?' She slightly chuckles as a now red leah grabs my arm and pulls me away from lucy.

'Why have you been ignoring me?' She asks after having pulled me somwhere else.

That was the pouting golden retriever, i think, feeling slightly bad, yet it ment that after this would be punishment.

'My love? We will still be getting ready for the game tonight , right?' She mutters trying to hold me close, i just pull myself away, muttering a quick yes.

Leah's pov

'Do you think y/n loves someone on the team?' I ask my bestfriends keira and georgia.

'Why? Are you admitting you like her?' Georgia squeels.

'No, i just dont understand why she has been ignoring me all day,' i say, pulling on my match shorts.

'Maybe you said something? But now lets just play and wait after the game is done, and then go talk to her,' keira says, tying her boots before walking out.

I sigh, doing the same before joining them in the players tunnel, seeing y/n staring at me, softly smiling before walking to the substitute bench,

There was something going on, and i couldnt figure out what,

And due to the overthinking the way u was playing worsened which even gave me an assist for the other team to score,

'Come on leah,' i hear someone whisper in my ear as they wrap their arms around me.

Realising that it was y/n, i let my guard down,

'Im sorry for ignoring you,' she says, making a few heads turn our way,

'It was just some stupid dare, im so sorry.' She kisses my lips, leaving ne wanting and hungry for more.

'I love you, know go get them,' she mutters against my lips before pulling me in again.

The team looks at us in shock.

'You two were already together?' Keira says confused and suprised at the same time.

'For how long?' My cheeks flush red after i whispered

'Nearly 16 months,' georgia's jaw drops,

'And you didnt tell us?' She squeels, pulling both me and y/n in a tight hug.

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