in another life (lucy.b+keira.w+ona.b)

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Warnings: alcohol, harrasment, cursing, smut, homophobia.

Words: 3k

'Could you just please come out with us tonight?' My brother charles begs,' i mean come on, it is vacation for god's sake and you are in here working?'

I sigh as he closes my laptop,' you need to have one drink and atleast one dance with an handsome young man.' I groan, watching how he cheers in victory, knowing that he had won me over.

'Fine,' i answer, ' but on one condition, that i will not have to join you at any party or something like that after this one, alright?'

He nods before shaking my hand, ' i know you like sports, physio, muscles or anything that has to do with that,  but do you really have to do this in vacation time?' He asks, 'we are here on ibiza to have fun, relax, not to work,'

I watch as he walkes out of my room, his new fling waiting for him outside.

At the party

'Come on sweetheart,' the old man slurs, still in my personal space, 'just this one dance.'

His hands were all over me his alcohol reaking mouth getting closer to mine.

'Carlos, i thought m'lady over there asked to be alone and said no.' The man almost flinches away from me, the brunnet with an english accent clearly held a lot of power here.

'And what would be the difference between me trying to bed her and you dykes?' The man who's name i now assumed to be carlos, says.

'Because we are not twice her age and atleast we know of each other that we are trying to be with someone, because we are doing it together. i want to take a big guess and say that your wife doesn't know you are harrasing girls the same age as your daughter.' Another english woman says, she had a bit orang like hair, her skin was fair with a lot of freckles and her eyes a mixture between blue and green.

'Now do we need to call security or will you be able to find your way out without harrasing other woman?' He shoves me out of his way, making me tumble into another body.

'I think you should apolegize to this lady bonita,' this time it was a strong spanish accent that came from behind me, it was another brunnet,  were all of these woman goddesess or was it the light of the club that made me see things.

'I am sorry,' he apolegizes before speed walking out if the bar.

'Thank you, all of you,' i thank them, feeling weird as i see the three of them sharing a look before surrounding me.

'You don't have to thank us verbally amore,' i frown, what did she mean by not verbally?

'Maybe we can get to know each other better?' Another one of them says.

' yes sure,' i answer to quickly, ' my name is y/n,'

They grin, ' what a beautiful name,' the ginger tucks a lose strand if hair behind my ear.

'I am keira,' she introduces herself, placing a soft and lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth.

'I am lucy,' the other english woman introduces herself.

'And i am ona,' the spansih woman grabs my hand, 'nice to meet you,' she kisses my knuckels,'Beautifull,' she winks.

Their introduction left me a little speechless and flustered.

'So, if you are comfterball telling us, what is a pretty lady as yourself doing in here?' Lucy asks, her arm wrapped around my waist and  she leads me to a private table where they seemingly had been sitting before i arrived and they needed to save me.

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