Partners in crime

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"I'm sorry it has to end like this" Leo said as he held the gun to Capricorn's head. Capricorn tried to take a step back but his heel was already off solid ground. Capricorn looked down at the fall behind him, either face the gun or jump off a cliff, his options were not looking good. "Why, we worked together for so long" Capricorn said as he faced his partner. "Well some thing's just can't be shared" Leo said as he prepared to shoot Capricorn. In a split second Capricorn had managed to flip Leo onto his back and push the gun off the side of the cliff. Capricorn pinned Leo down and grabbed a zip-tie from his pocket to tie up Leo's wrists. Leo struggled and looked up at the older male with a look of fear, how had he lost the upper-hand so quickly? Capricorn looked down at Leo with a disgusted look, how could Leo do this to him? Capricorn pulled out the walkie-talkie in his pocket and called for his best friend. "Black? Yeah I need some help" he panted and Black began firing questions through the radio. Capricorn put it back in his pocket and tied up Leo's legs and gag him before finally sitting down on a rock to catch his breath. Leo couldn't move his hands, legs, or say anything to Capricorn and he lay in silence as he waited for Black to arrive. Capricorn looked down at Leo and saw his look of acceptance, Capricorn looked away not wishing to face his work partner and best friend who had betrayed him. Loud bangs could be heard from the bottom of the cliff and suddenly Black landed in front of Capricorn. "Good to know my latest invention works, what's wrong?" Black asked as he pulled off the slightly demonic looking invention. "Just a long day, we completed the mission" Capricorn sighed and Black nodded. "Yeah I saw the hard-drive on the ground over there, but where's Orange?" Black asked and Capricorn pointed to where Leo lay tied up. Black looked from Leo to Capricorn and then back to Leo. "Why is he tied up?" Black asked but was interrupted by Leo's muffled yells. Capricorn turned around quickly to see Aqua staring at them from on the edge of the cliff, she was holding the hard-drive Capricorn had worked so hard to get. "Come on Black, we have to go back to the boss with this" she insisted but Black just shook his head. "You can go, I'll follow later" Black sighed and Aqua nodded before falling backwards off the cliff. Capricorn bit his lip as he watched Aqua disappear into the night, he never liked Black's partner very much. "Now back to why Orange is tied up?" Black asked but Capricorn stayed silent. "Green I need to know" Black insisted but Capricorn shot him an annoyed look. "It's Capricorn and he's Leo, refer to us by name in important situations" he snapped and Black nodded. "Capricorn please explain" Black repeated this time using his real name instead of his code name. "Well Scorpio, he tried to kill me" Capricorn sighed and looked at Leo with a look of rage. Black, or Scorpio, turned to look at Leo in surprise before turning back to Capricorn. "Do you want me to pull him in?" Scorpio asked and Capricorn nodded, Leo's eyes widened and he began trying to plead through the gag but Capricorn payed no attention to him. Scorpio turned to look at Leo with a sympathetic look and mouthed 'You will be fine' before turning back to Capricorn with an upset look. "Are you sure you want me to do this to him?" he asked and Capricorn nodded and looked at Leo. Scorpio nodded before calling for his friends to take them to the lab. Shadows emerged from the ground and the ground shifted. 

Leo had been tied to a metal machine in Scorpio's lab, he was still gagged but his hands and feet were separated from each other. Scorpio and Capricorn were talking just out of earshot from him but he was trying his best to listen to what they were saying. They walked into the lab, Capricorn had s tern face while Scorpio looked nervous. Capricorn walked up to Leo and slapped him across the face before removing his gag. Leo gasped and looked into Capricorn's eyes with a look of fear, he had never seen Capricorn so mad. "You know what's about to happen don't you?" Capricorn taunted and Leo whined nervously as Scorpio walked over holding a long needle. "Confess why you did it and I won't have to use this" Scorpio said but Capricorn clamped Leo's mouth shut. "Your going to use it anyway, he deserves this" Capricorn growled as Leo struggled and pleaded to Scorpio with his eyes. Scorpio shifted uncomfortably before carefully lining the needle up to Leo's arm. Leo screamed in pain as Capricorn shoved Scorpio's hands which pushed the needle deep into his skin. Capricorn shoved Scorpio out of the way and pushed the needle in further before emptying the needle into his blood. Leo was crying and whispering for them to stop but Capricorn payed no attention. "Capricorn stop!" Scorpio yelled and pushed Capricorn away from the Leo. Scorpio grabbed the needle and pulled it out of Leo's arm and tossed it across the room. Blue liquid spilled from the needle as it hit the ground, the spilled liquid suddenly burst into flames and Leo began screaming. His blood began to boil from the liquid Capricorn had put in his blood. He writhed around screaming and crying, he tried pleading for help but he couldn't make the words come out of his mouth. Scorpio shoved Capricorn into the corner and ran to one of the cabinets. He pulled out a much smaller needle and bolted over to Leo. He pushed the needle into his skin and pumped the green liquid into his bloodstream, Capricorn yelled out in anger and shoved Scorpio away from Leo. "Your going to kill him!" Scorpio yelled out and Capricorn laughed "Isn't that the point?" he retorted and turned to glare at Scorpio. "Please Capricorn I need you to listen to me, I can explain" Leo insisted through his tears, Scorpio's antidote had stopped most of the pain but it was still hard to speak. Capricorn slapped Leo across the face and pulled a knife from his pocket and raised it above his head. Aqua tackled Capricorn to the ground while Scorpio untied Leo and rushed him out of the room. "Hide in my room, I have a secret room under the safe, enter in 661" Scorpio whispered before running back into the room they had come from. 

Leo bolted through the grey building before finally reaching Scorpio's room. He burst through the door and looked around desperately as he tried to spot the safe. In the corner was a large metal safe which Leo ran too as began to fumble with the code. He entered in the numbers and the safe flung open, he turned to look around before quickly dashing into the safe and closing the door. He felt up the wall trying to find a light switch and gasped when he felt something soft on the wall. He quickly found the light switch and screamed when he saw the eye on the wall. He looked around the room in horror, robotic parts and wires were hanging around everywhere. Scorpio had always been a bit wacky but he had never mentioned having an entire room of robotic parts and what looked like human parts. Loud bangs suddenly echoed through the room and Leo quickly covered his mouth so he didn't scream. "Where is he? I know he's in here!" Capricorn yelled as he threw stuff around in Scorpio's room. Leo sunk to the ground as tears started streaming down his face. He had broken Capricorn's trust and everything else had come crumbling down. If Capricorn had just listened to him this could have been avoided, Capricorn would have taken his side instead of becoming so angry. Leo needed to explain what happened and show Capricorn the recording of the boss. Everything could be explained, he just needed Capricorn to listen.

Well this is a thing, I had very random inspiration 

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