Confessions- Short story

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*Trigger warning kinda, depression and suicidalness is mentioned. No that is not a word but it should be. 


She was in love.

There was no doubt about it now. 

How on Earth did she manage to fall in love with such a huge jerk that was Scorpio? 

He had such an annoying face, freckles and dimples as well as one of the nicest smiles she had ever seen. His smile would light up a room and his laughter was contagious.

His beautiful eyes and lovely dark hair, his eyes were the perfect shade of blue that reminded her of the ocean and she felt as though she could swim in his eyes. 

His amazing kindness that always sprung out of nowhere, ranging from random hugs to random presents he would give her. 

She was still wearing the last present he gave her. A beautiful bracelet made from Jade and Jet crystals, of course he knew those were her favorite crystals too. 

Capricorn had told her she needed to confess, told her not to miss her chance with Scorpio. But she was too scared that he didn't like her back, he had always seemed to prefer guys to girls. 

Today was different though, she was finally going to confess, after months and months of avoiding it. 

Like the time he had taken her to the beach and she almost kissed him. 

Or the time he decided they needed to watch a new movie and took her to the theatre, she had been so tempted just to reach over and grab his hand but didn't want to scare him. 

Or even the time she wanted to learn how to skateboard so he pulled out his old one and began teaching her. Of course she was terrible and fell over a lot, but Scorpio was always there to pick her up and brush her off before encouraging her to try again. 

They had been together through everything, her depression, his depression, both of them being depressed at the same time. 

They had met when she was contemplating ending her life and he was going to end his at the same spot. 

This bridge was out of the city where no one went to, she had never met another living person there until he had talked her out of jumping off the bridge and then brought her home where they had stayed to watch movies and eat all his snacks. 

This interaction started years worth of friendship, whenever one of them was feeling depressed they would practically start living in the other persons house. 

They had gotten so close over the years that they were comfortable changing around each other and chilling mostly naked in the summer, she didn't want to lose this friendship by confessing. 

But she just couldn't hide it anymore, the constant glances and blushing around him was becoming unbearable. 

Whenever he so much as he hugged her or said hello she would turn the darkest shade of red and try to hide her face, even Scorpio who was blind as a bat, well if anything he was blinder than a bat.

Bats can see but are completely colorblind, Scorpio was colorblind and had very low vision. 

He had these glasses that would allow him to see colors, he very rarely wore them but when he did he would always talk about how pretty she was. 

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