Operation friendship

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How had Virgo been dragged into this again? 

Ever since his girlfriend had gotten her best friend a boyfriend, a man he had only met once, Virgo had been dragged to all sorts of events with them. 

Virgo's girlfriend, Capricorn, was always going on and on about all the cute things her best friends new boyfriend would do for her. 

Expensive dates, always buying her things and caring for her, his amazingly large house and amounts of money, buying her flowers every single time they met up. Virgo felt like he could never compare to whoever this guy was. 

He didn't have a huge house like he did, he didn't buy his girlfriend flowers he grew them for her, and he had never had the right money for expensive dates. 

He couldn't even remember this amazing guys name. 

"Babe they're here!" Capricorn squealed and jumped off the couch, ruining her blanket nest she had made just a few minutes before. 

Virgo followed his girlfriend and walked to the window to look out at the other couple. 

Aquarius stepped out of the car, her long blue hair lay loose around her shoulders and she adjusted her top slightly. 

And then he walked around from behind the car, red eyes and brown hair and wearing an expensive watch, what the hell kind of job did this guy have?

Virgo scoffed when he saw him grin when the girls started hugging, then to Virgo's annoyance Capricorn hugged him too. 

"Hello Virgo, ready to go?" Aquarius asked as she pulled him into a big hug. 

"Yeah, ready" he said and tried to sound excited for the date, although in reality he had absolutely no idea what they were doing since Capricorn was too busy raving on about how awesome this new guy was. 

"Scorpio's arranged everything, we're going to have an awesome night!" Aquarius gushed and pulled Scorpio closer to her. 

He greeted Virgo and held out his hand for Virgo to shake which he accepted awkwardly. 

"No, none of that hand shaking business guys do. We're family now!" Capricorn grinned and tried to push the boys into a hug. 

Aquarius and Capricorn both watched excitedly as the boys, quite awkwardly, hugged each other quickly and then let go. 

As if by instinct Virgo brushed himself off after the hug and Scorpio watched in surprise as he did so. 

Did Scorpio smell bad? Was he dirty? 

What had made Virgo want to clean himself off like that? The girls didn't seem to notice anything so Scorpio also tried to ignore it, but it was still nagging at him as they got into the car. 

Scorpio's car was a very expensive Rolls-Royce that he was very proud of, and he could see how impressed Virgo was in the backseat and he hoped he could use the car as a topic of conversation later. 

Aquarius was always going on about Virgo, being her bestfriends boyfriend she knew him quite well. 

Always going on about Virgo's amazing cooking, all the amazing and fun dates Virgo and Capricorn had been on, his love for gardening and keeping things tidy, his amazing academic skills and all the degree's he had managed to get. 

Scorpio couldn't cook, every time he even looked at a plant it died, and he did not have nearly as many degree's, and he had no idea how to plan a fun date. 

How amazing was this guy?

Scorpio watched him smile at a reference Aquarius made and then laugh with the girls, how was this guy so effortlessly cool?

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