Aquarius F x Libra M

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"Daddy can I have a drink?" Virgo asked as her father spat his drink out in surprise. "Virgo! I thought you were asleep an hour ago!" Libra yelled while wiping his mouth. "I was, but sleep decided we weren't friends" Virgo giggled and Libra sighed before peaking through into the lounge room where his girlfriend was sleeping. "Don't tell your mom, have a bit of juice" he whispered and gave his daughter a small amount of juice. Virgo giggled and drank her juice while staring up at her father. The two of them drank their drinks in complete silence before Virgo asked "Daddy can we make pancakes?" Libra sighed and shook his head "It's 10:30 Virgo, me and your mom need sleep too" he explained and Virgo frowned and crossed her arms. "But sleep isn't my friend so why is he yours?" she asked the very confused Libra. "We're not friends, he stopped being my friend when you were born" he sighed and Virgo frowned. "Why does sleep not like me daddy?" she asked tearfully. Libra groaned and turned to his daughter "Sleep hates most people, but you really need to go back to bed" he said as he scooped up his daughter and started walking towards her room. Virgo giggled and tried to let out a playful squeal but Libra quickly clamped her mouth so she didn't wake up Aquarius. Libra tucked her into bed and closed her curtains before checking her room for monsters which was watched carefully by Virgo. "Daddy?" Virgo asked as she finally lay back down in bed. Libra sighed from where he was almost done shutting the doo and reopened it to look at his daughter. Virgo took his silence as a sing to keep talking and said with a cute giggle "I love you daddy." Libra smiled and walked back over to kiss her head and whispered "I love you too Princess, now go to sleep." Libra quietly left the room as Virgo pulled the covers up to her chin and looked up at her ceiling covered in glow in the dark stars. 

Libra walked into the kitchen and to the sink where he began doing the days dishes. Aquarius was now awake and had one eye open watching her boyfriend with a smile on her face. "I thought it was my turn to do the dishes" she yawned and Libra turned around in surprise at her voice. "Yeah it was, but you were sleeping" he said as he turned back to doing the dishes. Aquarius smiled and rolled on the couch to grab the blanket and pull it back over her. "Thanks babe" she said and Libra hummed in response. Aquarius continued watching Libra do the dishes until they were all done. She patted the couch next to her but Libra sighed. "Sweetheart I need to go to bed" he said earning a frown from Aquarius. "But you don't have work tomorrow?" she asked and he nodded. "I don't have work, but it's been a long day" he agreed and Aquarius groaned. "I wanted to watch a movie" she sighed and Libra rolled his eyes. "You wanted me to bring you snacks, Goodnight Babe" he said as he kissed the top of her head. She smiled and pulled him in for a gentle kiss before turning on the tv and finding some trashy show to watch. 

"We're going to see puppies" Virgo sang as she skipped down the street with her father who was singing with her. Aquarius had trailed behind but had her phone out taking photo's of her boyfriend and daughter. Virgo belted out the word puppies in a loud shriek that seemed to last an eternity, Aquarius swore birds were dropping dead at her daughters voice. "Sweetie how about we leave the singing to your father?" Aquarius called and Virgo laughed. "Daddy sucks" she replied as she turned around to give her mother a toothy grin. Libra fake sobbed and Virgo frowned and hugged her fathers leg. "Sorry daddy, just don't be a princess again" she said earning a laugh from both her parents. "Yeah Libra, no more being a princess" she fake scolded and Libra rolled his eyes. "I killed it as that blonde lady" he grumbled playfully and both Aquarius and Virgo shook their heads. "Vivi!" a child's voice yelled and Leo came dashing over followed by his parents. "Sorry we're late, Benjamin isn't used to walks yet" Capricorn apologized to Aquarius who just nodded understandingly. Scorpio walked over with a golden retriever who was attempting to break away from the lead. Leo and Virgo laughed and ran off with Benjamin while Scorpio and Libra began talking about cars. Aquarius smiled as she watched her daughter play with her friend, she turned to look at her boyfriend and smiled more when she saw his face. No one would believe it if Aquarius said Libra was very depressed before Virgo was born, Aquarius didn't know if she would believe it herself. "Something on your mind?" Capricorn asked and Aquarius smiled at her. "Just thinking about how lucky I am" she replied before turning back to look at Libra chasing Virgo and Leo around, she couldn't have asked for a happier life. 

This was requested by Lala1lal2. I'm sorry about the ending, I really struggle with ending stories. But thank you for requesting this and I'm sorry it was a little later than I wanted it to be, Thank you for reading

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