Warning Killer

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Well this story took more time to write than I thought and I'm sorry it took so long. This story is a lot longer than my normal stories and I'm a bit proud of it, I hope you were confused and that you didn't just immediately guess who the killer was. This story was for Lala1lal2, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading. 

Libra panted as she ran through the forest, she checked behind herself every so often to make sure she couldn't see the person chasing her. She tripped over and lay on the ground before jumping back up and continuing to run, she had to get away, she had to protect her friends. She continued her run before she came out into a small clearing, knowing that he was still being followed he randomly chose a direction. She ran out and fell into a small river, she looked behind him and saw the hunter watching her. She bolted through the water and to the other side where she continued running. She kept turning around to try and see if she was being followed, but the hunter was always there slowly chasing after her with his axe. She turned around and screamed when she saw the axe raised above her head. 

Leo sat in her office and picked up the phone when it rang. "Leo Lion speaking, what do you need?" she asked and her friend Ophiuchus spoke. "Hey we have a nine-teen year old dead in the forest, need forensics and you to come down" Ophiuchus said in a serious voice and Leo immediately called the team and got them out there. "Ophiuchus report" Leo said and Ophiuchus turned to her. "Nine-teen year old Libra Scales was seemingly torn apart by an axe, he head isn't quite off her body but one more swing and it would have been. Killer has left the forest and we don't know who he is, axe covered in blood was found three kilometers away and its going in for scans" Ophiuchus said seriously and Leo frowned. "She went to my brothers school" Leo said as she bent over the body and looked at her neck. "Any suspects" she asked and Ophiuchus sighed. "Your brother Cancer, Scorpio Hades, Aquarius Bearer, and Aries Ram, all four of them were reported being around this area at the time of the murder" Ophiuchus said and Leo looked horrified. "My brother could never kill a woman" she said and Ophiuchus looked at her "We cant rule out anyone just yet Leo, your brother was around this area and we don't know what he was doing, I don't think it was him either but we cant be to sure" he said in a low voice. Leo sighed as she drove to her office and began filling out her paperwork on Libra Scales. She called for the first suspect to be interviewed, her younger brother Cancer walked in nervously. "Hi Leo" he muttered and Leo forced a smile at him. "What were you doing in the forest when she was murdered?" she asked and Cancer looked really upset. "I was hanging out with Scorpio, you know that boy that I was talking about, he said that the forest was one of the best places to go for a walk so we went on one together" he said and Leo looked at her brother before sending him out, she knew when her brother lied he couldn't help but bite his tongue. She called in the next one and looked at the nervous girl in front of her. "Sit down darling" she said gently and the girl nodded as she ran over to the chair. "What were you doing in the forest Aquarius?" Leo asked and Aquarius looked down. "I was playing with my dog Bucky before I heard the screams, I'm the one that called the police" she said and Leo nodded "Did you see the killer?" Leo asked and Aquarius shook her head. Leo called in the third one and looked at the young man in front of her. "Aries right? sit down" she said and Aries nodded as he walked over to the chair. "What were you doing at the time of Libra's murder?" Leo asked and Aries looked down nervously. "I was mountain biking ma'am" he said and Leo nodded before continuing the interview. Finally it was time for the last one, Leo looked at her clock and realized she was already overtime. The the last one walked in and sat down in the chair. "What were you doing in the forest Scorpio?" she asked and Scorpio smiled. "I was with Cancer going for a walk" he said and Leo listened to his explanation. Four days later three more people had been killed, and all four kids were still the only suspects. "Tell me where you were at the time of Capricorns murder" Leo said gently to the crying Aquarius. "I was in math class ma'am" Aquarius sobbed and Leo frowned, she didn't believe it could be the sweet little Aquarius or her brother. It had to be either Scorpio or Aries, but both always had an excuse as to where they were. And the police system wasn't letting her place the boys in jail until she figured it out, whichever boy was the murderer was just wandering around and Leo hated it. But even though she didn't want to believe it, but Cancer was most likely the killer. She sat in her office with a grim expression as Scorpio walked back in her room to be interviewed. "Where were you at the time of Capricorns murder?" she asked and Scorpio shrugged "I'm pretty sure I was working but I don't know" he said and Leo look at him. "You don't know where you were?" she asked shocked and Scorpio nodded. "I do a lot of sh*t ma'am, you can't expect me to remember all of it" he said as he raised one eyebrow at the police officer. Leo sat in her room as she considered all the answers from the four children, her mind was telling her that it was Scorpio. "Ophiuchus" she said through the phone and Ophiuchus mumbled something. "Yeah sup" he said after a minute and Leo sighed "I want to watch over one of the suspects, can you get me a background report" she said and Ophiuchus began typing on his computer. "Which suspect" he asked and Leo told him "Scorpio Hades, age nine-teen, studying criminal justice, father in jail and mother abandoned him" Ophiuchus read out from his computer and Leo frowned. "Father in jail? for what?" she asked and Ophiuchus typed some more on his computer. "Child neglect" he said and Leo frowned even more "A broken childhood, maybe he is our guy" she said and she heard Ophiuchus lay back in chair. "Is there any way we can keep eyes on him for a while?" she asked and Ophiuchus stayed silent for a minute. "I mean we could but why?" he asked and Leo sighed in annoyance. "Because I think it's him, I want to keep eyes on him to catch him if he tries to kill or does anything sketchy" she said and Ophiuchus began typing on his computer again. "He has a roommate we could talk to, do you think we should keep eyes on the other three as well, at least Aries anyway" Ophiuchus said but Leo objected "It has to be Scorpio, we probably don't need eyes on the other three." Ophiuchus called in Scorpio's roommate and Leo looked over all the evidence. "Scorpio has a history of stealing, that can't be a coincidence" she muttered and then looked up when the door opened. "You asked to see me officer?" a brown haired boy asked and Leo pointed to the chair. "Taurus Bull right? We have reason to believe that your roommate is the man we're looking for, would it be possible to keep eyes on him for us?" she asked and Taurus's eyes widened. "You mean you want to be put in danger sleeping in the same room as a possible killer? Absolutely not I want to move out of the room if it's him" Taurus said in a rather small voice, Leo sighed as she thought of how to convince the boy. "We have not figured out the killer's identity, we just suspect Scorpio and we need eyes on him, the other suspects are all getting the same treatment, you will be in no danger and I will personally make sure of that" she said and Taurus eventually gave in. "Hey you look really white" Scorpio said as Taurus walked back into the dorm room. Taurus looked at him and then collapsed on his friends bed, Scorpio looked confused but decided it was probably best to leave Taurus to his thoughts. Leo drove home and saw her brother giggling as he typed something on his phone, he looked up at his sister and smiled. "Aquarius and I are going on a date tonight" he said and Leo smiled. "Be back before 11 okay?" she said and Cancer nodded before he ran out the door. Leo frowned once he left and she called one of the officers on duty. "Pisces two of the suspects are going out to dinner, your in the area could you just keep an eye on them?" Leo asked her fellow officer, Pisces agreed and drove over to Gemini's Diner to keep an eye on the couple. Pisces felt slightly guilty for watching them go on a date, but she soon realized something was wrong, she called for backup and she watched a figure move out of the shadows. A man completely covered in black walked into the diner. Everything was quiet for a second, but then the man pulled out a gun. Pisces jumped out of the car and ran into the diner just as Cancer got shot in the back. "Put the gun down!" She yelled and the man turned to her. His face was completely covered and his gun was pointed at Cancer who was laying on the floor bleeding. The man pulled the trigger again, this time Cancer couldn't survive the shot. Aquarius was screaming bloody murder as she cried on Cancer's body, Pisces pulled the trigger on her gun but missed the killer who made a run for it. Pisces chased the killer as Leo appeared from a police car. The police officers chased the killer into a dark alleyway, the killer turned to them before jumping over the fence blocking his way out. The two officers jumped over the fence but the killer was gone. Leo stood in the hospital and watched as the doctors tried to revive her brother, she cried when the doctor signaled to stop and she had a complete breakdown when Ophiuchus arrived. Ophiuchus kissed the top of her head and whispered "I'll finish this case" Leo nodded and then passed out. Ophiuchus stood in Leo's office, Pisces sat next to him. "Bring in Taurus, he'll know where Scorpio was" Ophiuchus said and Pisces nodded. "My sister is the room across from Aries's apartment, I can ask if she knew where he was" Pisces said as she picked up the phone. Taurus and Cancer sat in the office as the police asked them questions. "Do you know where Scorpio said he was going?" Pisces asked and Taurus shook his head "He just said he would be back" Taurus replied and Ophiuchus sighed. "And Aries went out too?" Ophiuchus said and Cancer nodded "He said he was going out to get dinner" she said and Pisces looked at her. "Do you know where?" she asked and Cancer nodded. "Some place called Gemini's Diner" she said and Pisces looked at her. "That's the place" Pisces said as she turned to Ophiuchus who picked up his phone to call Leo who was now at home with her mother. Leo turned to her phone and picked it up, the tears were still spilling from her eyes as she put it to her ear. "Aries Ram has been arrested on charges of first degree murder" Ophiuchus said and Leo felt more tears fall from her eyes. "Was it really him?" she sobbed and Ophiuchus felt a sting at his heart when he heard her cry. "He confessed and has been arrested, he faces multiple life sentences" Pisces said in the background of the call. Aries sat in the interrogation room, Ophiuchus walked in and sat down in front of him. "Why did you kill those five people Aries?" he asked and Aries grinned. "I wanted to, Libra was so annoying, she was in my class you see and she kept teasing me and tormenting me, so I took her into the woods and then set her free" he said and Ophiuchus began pressuring him to sat more. "Set her free?" he asked and Aries looked away. "She ran through the woods thinking she had got away, but I was following her, when I caught up to her I tried to make it painless but I didn't sharpen the axe so it took a lot more hits than I expected" Aries said and Ophiuchus looked down at the notes. "And Sagittarius Centaur was you next victim" Ophiuchus said and Aries laughed. "Sagittarius was my best friend, but he found out about Libra and tried to tell the police, that's why he had to go" Aries said with a grin plastered on his face. "Virgo Maiden?" Ophiuchus asked and Aries looked away again. "My ex who cheated on me with some guy named Gemini, that's why I killed her and tried to kill him" Aries said and Ophiuchus nodded. "That's why you went to the diner that night" he sad and Aries nodded. "Capricorn Goat" Ophiuchus said and Aries looked directly into his eyes. "She saw me hide a body" he whispered and then looked away from Ophiuchus. "And Cancer Crab, one of my friends brother" Ophiuchus said and Aries smiled. "He was stealing the girl I wanted" Aries said and Ophiuchus raised an eyebrow. "You like Aquarius?" he asked and Aries nodded. "I love her, I watch her sleep and eat, everything, she's just amazing" Aries said and Ophiuchus felt slightly sick to the stomach. "You were stalking her?" he asked and Aries frowned "I was observing her" he replied and Ophiuchus decided he was done with this interview. Aries was sent to a top jail for seven life sentences, but most people wanted him dead. "So that's it, we just move on, that was almost me in there" Scorpio said as he watched Aries get lead into a police van to be taken to the prison. "Yeah that's it, nothing we can do now" Aquarius said as she wiped away her tears. Leo watched as Aries was driven away, that man had killer her brother, if that man ever saw the light of day Leo herself would kill him. 

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