Aquarius F x Scorpio M

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This was for lilaqua205. Sorry the ending's a bit weird but I wasn't sure how to finish, actually this entire story is weird and to short. Anyways enjoy and comment your thoughts if you want. 

"How did this happen?" Aquarius sighed as she flopped on the couch and held out her arms for her boyfriend. Scorpio raised an eyebrow and sat down next to her as he thought of what to say. "Well maybe it happened because you touched an ancient artifact you should not have touched, Egyptians like curses you know" Scorpio said as he turned to his girlfriend. "How come this always happens to me?" Aquarius asked and Scorpio chuckled before answering. "Because you like to touch random things and I don't" he said and Aquarius hit him playfully. "Well, it's a minor curse" Aquarius said as she looked through the window and Scorpio nodded as he followed her gaze. "Yeah what pharaoh was like 'curse my tomb with squirrel attacks' like come on" Scorpio said as he looked at the hundreds of squirrels trying to break through their window to get to Aquarius. "I suppose I'll just stay inside until the curse is over" Aquarius said as she grabbed the remote and began flicking through the channels on the tv. "Sounds fine by me" Scorpio said with a large grin and Aquarius frowned at him. "It does not mean we play Uno if that's what you want" she said and Scorpio slumped in his chair mumbling something about being a sore loser. "Are you going to go back?" Aquarius asked as she turned to Scorpio who was on his phone. "What if I get cursed with something like lion attacks" he said jokingly and Aquarius rolled her eyes. "Sir you are the calmest and smartest guy I know, you'll be the last to get cursed" Aquarius said as she turned back to the tv. Scorpio looked down as he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks, he looked at Aquarius and smiled when he saw that she was lost in the film. "So no date night tomorrow?" Scorpio asked and Aquarius frowned when she realized they couldn't go out. "Maybe we can have date night at home, you know like movie and candlelight dinner" she said and Scorpio nodded. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked and Aquarius thought for a moment before replying with "Lasagna." The next month went by slowly for Aquarius, she wasn't able to leave the house because of the squirrels and her boyfriend was going to work without her. "Hey honey, today we pulled up some bones" Scorpio said as he walked through the door and began to take off his shoes. Aquarius lay with her head off the couch staring at the doorway as she waited for her boyfriend. "I missed you" she sang out and she heard her boyfriend laugh in the hallway. "Missed you to babe" he said as he walked through the entrance and saw his girlfriend. He bent over and pecked her lips before he walked into their room to get changed. "What kind of bones?" Aquarius asked as she sat back up on the couch. "Human remains, they think it was a girl" Scorpio yelled back as Aquarius heard him struggle to take off something. " maid of the pharaoh most likely" he said as he walked back into the room and sat down next to Aquarius.  "Well you can go back to work soon and see them" Scorpio said as he picked up the remote and began scrolling through the channels. "Will you show meeeeee" Aquarius asked as she climbed into his lap. Scorpio looked down and rolled his eyes as he put down the remote. "Yeah, once the squirrels have gone, not long left" he said and Aquarius smiled. The couple then watched the romance show that played on the tv and headed off to bed. While they slept, the squirrels stopped clawing at the windows and left to go find more nuts and bury them. Aquarius woke up the next morning and saw that the squirrels were gone, she laughed and immediately ran over to jump on her half naked boyfriend. "Babe the demons are gone" she screamed as she jumped on the half asleep man. "Honey it's to early" Scorpio muttered as he curled up in the bed, Aquarius smiled and curled up with him as she talked about all the things they were going to do that day. "Honey, I'm just going to sleep right now" Scorpio said and Aquarius nodded as she flew out of bed to prepare their day. 

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