25. Best day or what?

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Leo was beyond excited. The next day he grabbed his blue hoodie and my hand, dragging me to the first store he saw. Not caring for other humans to look at him, he held up a shirt in my direction.

"Fear not Y/N as I am the fashion master."

No doubt about that looking at the piece. Of course, it was blue. After one piece of clothing, Leo threw them at me until I was covered in clothes forgetting the rules for the changing rooms. Or even the fact that he was not allowed to enter.


"But you need help with one or two pieces" he whined.

"I will tell you when I get there!"

Out of nowhere a hand grabbed Leo's shoulder "Sir what are you do...Leo?!"

We were both surprised to see April of all places. It seems to be a new job after getting a kick from the previous one. Still, it didn't stop her to push the turtle away from the changing rooms. I was pleased to get some freedom. Going through the pile of clothes it was hard to tell which one was one thing or the other.

"Why are they all blue?" a question we all know the answer to but come on!

Outside April was giving Leo the customer service, she was trained for. Serving him tea and cookies while trying to keep a friendly face on was difficult with that red-eared-slider.

"You got any chocolate chip cookies?"

"Leo...I mean...Sir we only have one option in the house."

Leo raised a brow at the cup he is holding "What tea is this? Got anything else here?" his smirk was unbearable for April.

She was about to burst as her Employer walked past them, "Le...kind Sir, unfortunately we only have the earl grey as standard tea in our house."

"What about special services?" he smirked gesturing at his shoulders.

April gritted her teeth while keeping her voice friendly as possible," Don't push your luck, Leo."

Meanwhile I finished all the try outs and was more than pleased, despite the choice of color. Leaving the changing room, I watched how Leo drank his tea with his pinky in the air while April was close to strangle him from behind.

Blue opened one eyes towards me, "Finished already?"

"Yeah, I like two of them" holding them up.

"But I gave you twenty pieces."

"Yeah, and I want them only" the turtle whined that is no where close to what his brother gave me.

"What is bad about that?"

Leo looked away, "They will rub it in my face that I cannot satisfy my girlfriend."

I narrowed my eyes, "You don't have a girlfriend."

April joined in with the same expression, "and you cannot satisfy anyone."

"That it!" Leo jumped up and grabbed my hand, "I will give her the best day of her life!"

"The clothes are enough for me."

"It is not enough for me! Thank you for the service April." With that we headed towards the counter.

At the lair, the boys had their day off from Splinters training. Since Leo was not around there was no point to train them teamwork. Raph lifted some heavy weights while Mikey sat on them to work on his balance. Donnie sat nearby and watched on his tablet some videos.

Raphael was not present as Mikeys next stunt got him off balance. The wights fell out of his hand and onto his shell. He screamed for help at the impact.

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