Chapter 12

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I saw fear cross Chekov's face as he looked down at my hands. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I met his eyes.

"Thea, don't do this, I'm begging you. I am your friend." Chekov pleaded.

"I have to Chekov, there is no other way." I said as I shook my head.

"Please. Don't betray me, look I could see Jo betraying me, but I could never imagine you turning on me." Chekov said as he and I locked eyes.

"I'm sorry, just know that you are my someone I deal with." I said as I sent him a reassuring smile.

"After everything we have been thru? I raised you! Please Thea, you mean the world to me." He pleaded. "You're my second best friend!"

"I am actually a little hurt that I'm not your best friend." I said as I set the draw four down. "And because of that I have no problem doing this, Uno."

"No!" He exclaimed as he looked at his last card.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you win." I said as I let out a laugh.

Joanna let out a laugh as we both watched Chekov draw four cards, a look of anger on his face.

"Oh and the color is red." I said as I shook my head.

"Draw four Joanna." Sulu said as Chekov slumped in his chair.

"Sulu, I thought you cared!" She exclaimed as she drew four cards.

"I do care, oh and it is green." Sulu replied with a grin as Jo glared at him.

"Come on! I don't have any greens!" Scotty exclaimed as he started to draw from the deck.

I felt horrible for Scotty, some how he had half the deck and yet he didn't have a single green.

He looked down at his cards and then he looked back at me.

"Don't you dare place a draw two." I growled out.

"I'm sorry, Lass. But I don't have any other cards." He said as he set his card down.

I shook my head and turned to look back at Chekov, who had a giant grin on his face.

"This is great, there is no way that card is a draw two. Which means after this I can switch hands with you my next turn." Chekov replied as he held up a red zero.

I felt my smile widen as I looked back down at my hand and then looked up at him. His smile faded as he watched me lean back in my chair.

"No... you can't... there is no possible way you have a-"

"Chekov, have fun drawing four cards, oh and uno wins." I said as I set down a green draw two.

"No!" He yelled as he threw his hands up.

We all burst out laughing as I grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them. Chekov was quick to lay his head on the table with a groan.

"Looks like that's four points for me." I said as I sent Jo a cheeky grin.

Chekov slowly raised his head up, so that he could glare at me.

"Hey, there is no need to brag. I've won twice and you don't see me bragging." Chekov grumbled out.

"Chekov, you once called your face proof that god exists." Jo said as she leaned back in her seat.

"Am I wrong? I mean look at me." Chekov snapped as he rose up and pointed to his face.

"I'm out." Scotty said as he stood up and threw his cards down.

I watched him leave, leaving me with Sulu, Chekov and Jo.

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