Chapter 11

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Everything had finally gotten back to normal. I was only forced to stay in the sickbay for a week and after that I was cleared for duty and was able to return to my station. Jim and I still hadn't spoke to each other, but I realized that we probably would never be the same.

"Approaching Omicron Ceti Three, sir." Painter said from navigation.

"Standard orbit, Mister Painter." Jim ordered with a frown on his face.

"Yes, sir." Painter said with a sharp nod of his head.

"Captain." Uhura called out to him.

"Yes, Lieutenant." Jim said as he turned to look at her.

"I've been transmitting a contact signal every five minutes. All I get is dead air. Shall I continue?" Uhura asked with a frown.

"Maintain transmission pattern until we've established orbit." Jim said as he spun back around in his chair,

"Aye, aye, sir." She said as she spun around in her chair.

"Mister Spock, there were one hundred and fifty men, women, and children in that colony. What are the chances of survivors?" Jim asked with a frown.

"Absolutely none, Captain. Berthold rays are such a recent discovery. We do not yet have full knowledge of their nature. It is known, however, that living animal tissue disintegrates under exposure. Sandoval's group could not have survived after three years." Spock explained as he walked up to Jim.

"Are you saying that those people built a future in a place knowing they might not survive?"

"I am saying they knew there was a risk." Spock stated.

"And what about us? Can we afford to send people to the planet's surface?"

"The breakdown of tissue does not develop immediately. We can risk a limited exposure."

"Captain, we've established orbit, and I've pinpointed a settlement." I said as I turned to look back at Jim.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Commander. Mister Spock, equip a landing party of five to accompany me to the planet's surface. Include Doctor McCoy and a biologist. I'll want them in ten minutes." Jim said as he rose to his feet.

I let out a sigh as I watched him walk out of the room, Spock soon following behind him.

"Seems the captain and you still aren't on speaking terms." Painter said as he walked up to me.

"We are speaking."

"Yea, because him calling you by your rank is considered speaking." He said as he shook his head and walked back over to his station.

I let out a sigh and pulled my ear piece off. I set it down and rose to my feet.

"Lieutenant Uhura, I'll be back. I need to check on the engine room." I said as I walked over to the lift.

"Yes ma'am." She said with a nod.

I walked into the lift and leaned against the wall, I shut my eyes as I waited for the lift to stop.

Painter was right, Jim and I hadn't spoken to each other in awhile and it was starting to take a toll on me. I missed my brother, I missed how we use to be. I knew I was giving him his space, but I missed him.

The lift opened and I pushed myself off the wall and walked into the engine room. I finished my rounds before I was greeted by Spock.

"Commander, is there something I can do for you?" I asked with a frown.

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