Chapter 26

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Seven years later (2275)

It was so hard to believe that it had been five years since we had finished our exploration of the galaxy. Even harder to believe that I had been married to Spock for seven years, and yet I hadn't seen him in over five years.

I pinned my hair up in a bun before I straightened my dress out. I finished up with clipping my earrings on.

Spock had left the federation and returned to Vulcan, in the hopes of completing Kolinahr and stripping himself of his emotions. At first I was against it, but decided that I couldn't control him and had to let him go.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I walked up to Jo, who was wearing a long blue floor length ball gown dress.

"More than I'll ever be." She said as she gripped onto her white bouquet of roses.

"Then I guess we better get a move on." Bones said as he let out a chuckle and walked up to Jo.

It was finally the day, Jo was getting married and she had invited all of our old crew, which meant that Spock would most likely be here. I had yet to see him, but I could feel my nerves eating me up inside.

I moved a strand of hair away from Jo's face before I turned back around and took Sulu's arm.

"Shall we?" Sulu asked with a smile.

"We shall." I said as we started down the aisle.

Scotty and Uhura had already made it down the aisle and now it was my turn to walk with Sulu.

I looped arms with Sulu and slowly made my way down the aisle, only stopping when I made it to the end. We parted and I took my place beside Uhura. I turned and watched as everyone stood up.

I could feel my eyes glide across the room, until they landed on a familiar pair of pointy ears. Our eyes locked for a second before I looked away from him and looked towards Jo. Bones and Jo made it up the aisle and stopped before Jim and Chekov.

"Who gives this woman?" Jim asked with a grin.

"I do, against my will." Bones grumbled out.

Jo smacked Bones' shoulder, which caused us all to laugh.

"Joking, you know I'm joking." Bones said as he let out a chuckle.

He kissed her forehead before hand I her over to Chekov.

"Hurt her and they won't find the body." Bones grumbled out.

"I know, Thea has already warned me." Chekov said as he let out a laugh.

"That I have." I said as I shot Jo a wink.

He turned and walked over to his seat, plopping down beside Chapel.

"Today we are gathered here to witness the Union of Doctor Joanna McCoy and Lieutenant Pavel Chekov. Does anyone here have just reason why these two should not be wed?"

We all looked around and I shot Bones a look. Bones slumped in his chair as I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"I believe you both wrote your own vows."

"We did, Admiral." Jo said as she and Chekov pulled out pieces of power.

"Mr. Chekov, you go first."

Chekov gave a quick nod and took in a deep breath as he stared down at his piece of paper. After a couple seconds he threw it behind him and smiled at Jo.

"Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will stand by you during your bad hair days, I will be there when you burn your coffee, and I'll be ready to help you find your lost keys every morning. Give me your every day, and I will give you my love to make it all alright. I will love you forever." Chekov said as Jo squeezed his hands.

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