Chapter 19

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I let out a sigh as I saw yet another flash of lightning. A shudder coursed thru me as I turned back around to look at Jim. I found that he was still talking to Tharn and trying to change his mine.

"We believe what you say, Captain Kirk, but our position has not altered. The Halkan Council cannot permit your Federation to mine dilithium crystals on our planet." Tharn explained as I put my hands behind my back.

"We have shown the council historical proof that our missions are peaceful." I said as I took a step forward.

"We accept that your Federation is benevolent at present, but the future is always in question. Our dilithium crystals represent awesome power. Wrongful use of that power, even to the extent of the taking of one life, would violate our history of total peace. To prevent that, we would die, Captain. As a race, if necessary."

"I admire your ethics and hope to prove ours. Kirk to Enterprise." Jim said as he pulled out his communicator.

"Spock here."

"Report on magnetic storm, Mister Spock." Jim ordered as I rubbed my neck.

For some reason I felt strange, I felt as if I wasn't alone. It was as if someone was standing beside me, someone other than Bones.

"Standard ion type, Captain, but quite violent and unpredictable." Spock explained.

"Rough ride?" Jim asked with a frown.

"If we stay."

"Stand by to beam up landing party." Jim said before he looked over at me. "Plot an extended orbit to clear disturbance. Kirk out."

"When may we resume discussion?" I asked as I turned around to look at Tharn.

"The council will meditate further, but do not be hopeful of any change. Captain, you do have the might to force the crystals from us, of course." Tharn said as he stared at Jim.

"But we won't. Consider that. Enterprise. Transporter room." Jim said calmly.

I felt the familiar feeling of being transported, but this time I found that it was quiet painful.

As we started to materialize I felt a sharp pain hit me and I let out a scream. My vision started to go blurry as I saw the familiar walls of the Enterprise.

"Spock was right. It was a rough trip." Jim said as I fell to the ground.

Jim quickly turned around and rushed to my side as I held my head and let out a scream.

"Thea, what's wrong?" Jim asked as I covered my ears.

Jim was pushed to the side and I felt a pair of hands touch my face.

"Kiddo, it's me. It's Doctor McCoy, can you tell me what's wrong?" Bones asked as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"The noise! Make it stop!" I exclaimed thru tears.

I let out another scream as I felt my body go limp and I fell into Bones' arms. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Spock staring down at me, but he looked different, did he have a goatee? I heard the familiar sound of beeping and creaked my eyes open, to find that I was in the sickbay.

"Bones, what happen to her? Why did... why was she in so much pain?" A voice asked from the other room.

"To be honest with you, I don't know. I've done every scan I know of, but I can't seem to find anything." Bones said as I slowly raised my head up.

I leaned forward and covered my eyes with my hand. I let out a groan and swung my feet over the edge of the cot.

"I don't even know if she is our Thea."

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