Chapter 23

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I held back a groan as I worked on fixing my hair. I heard the familiar sound of the door opening and peaked behind me to see Spock walk into the room.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I turned to face him.

He walked up to me and held his hand out. I sent him a small smile and held my own hand out. I moved my hand towards his and pressed the tip of my fingers to his.

"You have been rather touchy today." I said as I let out a hum and brought him closer to me.

"I apologize if it has brought you any discomfort." Spock said as I kissed his finger tips.

"Don't apologize. I quite like this side of you, I like being the only one to see it." I said as I looked up at him, and sent him a smile.

I heard the communicator go off drawing both of ours attention to it. Spock let go of my hand and walked up to it.

"Commander Spock here."

"Spock, I need you in section A3. Bring Thea."

"On our way." Spock said as he turned to look at me.

"We never get a break." I whispered as I stood up shaking my head.

It didn't take us long to make it to section A3 and when I arrived I found the dead body of Ambassador Gav, surrounded by Bones and Jim.

"How was he killed?" Jim asked as I walked up to them.

"His neck was broken. By an expert." Bones explained.

"Explain." Jim said as I looked around the room.

"Well, from the nature and location of the break, I'd say the killer knew exactly where to apply pressure to snap the neck instantly." Bones said drawing my attention back to him.

"Who aboard would have that knowledge?" Jim asked with a frown.

"Vulcans. On Vulcan, the method is called tal-shaya. It was considered a merciful form of execution in ancient times." Spock explained.

Jim looked at me and then turned to meet Spock's eyes.

"Spock. A short time ago, I broke up an argument between Gav and your father." Jim explained as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Indeed, Captain? Interesting." Spock said with a frown.

"Interesting? Spock, do you realise that makes your father the most likely suspect?" Bones asked with a frown.

"Vulcans do not approve of violence." Spock said as I made my way to his side.

"You're saying he couldn't have done it?" Jim asked calmly.

"No, Captain. I'm merely saying it would be illogical to kill without reason." Spock explained.

"But if he had a reason, could he have done it?"

"If there were a reason, my father is quite capable of killing. Logically and efficiently." Spock said calmly.

"Could you also be able to-"

"Jim, we both know Spock didn't do this... right?" I asked as I looked over at Spock.

"Though I would have liked to injure him, I can assure you that the only places I have been is the bridge and my quarters." Spock said as he turned to look at me.

I nodded my head and we left to find Sarek. We made it to their quarters and I looked around.

"Mrs. Sarek, I'm sorry to disturb you. I must speak to your husband." Jim said with a frown.

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