Chapter 21

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I let out a sigh as I made my way to the briefing room. I passed by Chekov and climbed onto the elevator. I made my way to the briefing room and only stopped when I saw Jim sitting at the table. I shook my head and gave a small whistle. Jim was quick to whistle back as I walked up to him. Jim went to say something hit the intercom went off.

"Yes, what is it?" Jim asked calmly.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain. Priority channel. Admiral Fitzpatrick speaking." Uhura said as I stretched.

"Put it on visual, Lieutenant." Jim said with a sigh.

"Captain Kirk?" The Admiral asked as I leaned against the wall.

"Kirk here."

"Captain, it is not necessary to remind you of the importance to the Federation of Sherman's Planet. The key to our winning of this planet is the grain quadrotriticale. The shipment of it must be protected. Effective immediately, you will render any aid and assistance which Undersecretary Baris may require. The safety of the grain and the project is your responsibility. Starfleet out." The Admiral said before hanging up.

"Now, that's just lovely." Jim said with a sigh as he turned to look at Spock.

"But not totally unexpected." Spock said as he tilted his head to the side.

Spock's eyes landed on me for a split second and I sent him a gentle smile before I turned around and walked towards the bridge. I only stopped when I heard Uhura call out.

"Captain Kirk! Captain Kirk!" Uhura exclaimed.

"Yes, Lieutenant, what is it?"

"Sensors are picking up a Klingon battle cruiser rapidly closing on the station."

"Go to Red Alert. Notify Mister Lurry. We'll be right up." Jim said as he looked over at me.

I rushed to the security room and got into position, I had everything ready and was about to contact Jim, but I was stopped by a message from Uhura.

"Security, cancel Red Alert."

"Did something happen?" I asked through the comm.

"The Captain will explain it." She said as I shook my head.

"Of course he will." I said as I hung up and leaned against the control panel.

It wasn't long before Jim contacted me, asking for me to come down with him. I put my arms behind my back as we beamed down to the station.

"Jim, are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't know myself." Jim said as we walked towards Lurry's office.

We made it inside and I took my spot next to Spock.

"Ah, my dear Captain Kirk." The Klingon said calmly.

"My dear Captain Koloth." Jim said with a fake smile.

"Let me assure you that my intentions are peaceful. As I've already told Mister Lurry, the purpose of my presence is to invoke shore leave rights." Koloth explained.

"Shore leave?" I asked with a raised eye.

"Captain, we Klingons are not as luxury-minded as you Earthers. We do not equip our ships with, how shall I say it, non-essentials. We have been in space for five months. What we choose as recreation is our own business. I might also add that under terms of the Organian Peace Treaty, you cannot refuse us." Koloth said calmly.

"Yes, well, I don't make those decisions. Mister Lurry is in charge of those matters." Jim said as he looked over at Lurry.

"Captain, may I speak to you a minute?" Lurry said as he took Jim to the side.

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