Chapter 2: Crossing Territories

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Officer Elena stepped out of the patrol car, her sharp gaze immediately assessing the scene before her. The wolf she focused on appeared agitated, eyes ablaze with a fiery intensity. As he sniffed the air, a visible look of distaste crossed his features. While Elena knew that many wolves had a disdain for humans, she wasn't particularly fond of them either. To her, they were just smelly dogs.

"What's the matter, wolf-boy?" she asked with a teasing smirk. In response, Eric turned so swiftly that for a moment she worried for his wellbeing. Clearly taken aback by her audacity, he squared his shoulders, the authority in his stance undeniable.

His voice, raspy as if worn out from a long day, countered, "Dirty humans in my territory. That's my problem. Do your job."

Elena took a moment to survey the scene in its entirety. She had always prided herself on her detachment, especially when dealing with shifters. Their wild natures, lurking just beneath the surface, were unpredictable. But as she locked eyes with Eric, an unfamiliar warmth surged within her, a pull she couldn't quite comprehend. "Focus," she murmured to herself. Purposefully, she approached the detained hunter, avoiding Eric's intense gaze. She had a job to do, and no shifter, no matter how intriguing or attractive, would deter her.

She kneeled to inspect the hunter, ensuring he was still conscious. The weight of Eric's gaze bore into her back, but she pressed on, taking deep breaths to maintain her composure.

"Name?" she demanded, her tone cold.

"Jake," the man responded, his voice tainted with a mix of blood and defiance.

As Elena documented the necessary details, she overheard Eric conversing in hushed tones with members of his pack who had arrived to evaluate the situation. Even though the murmurs were too soft for most to decipher, she caught her name mentioned a few times, accompanied by curious glances thrown her way.

Suddenly, Eric was by her side, towering over her, his posture protective. "Is he okay to be moved? We need to ensure our territory's safety," he inquired, his voice revealing an unexpected gentleness.

Hesitating briefly, Elena replied, "He's stable but needs medical attention. I'll call for an ambulance."

While she relayed the situation over the radio, Eric whispered something into Jake's ear. The latter's reaction – wide eyes filled with fear – didn't go unnoticed by Elena. This encounter was proving to be more complex than she had initially thought.

As she made her way back to the patrol car, Eric's presence loomed behind her. She quickened her pace, but he reached out, a gentle touch on her arm halting her. The contact sent an electric shock through her system.

"Officer," he began, his tone low and earnest.

"Elena," she interjected, offering her name.

He paused, then continued, "The security of my pack is paramount. Ensure your justice system deals with this hunter appropriately."

Meeting his intense gaze, she retorted, "I uphold human laws. It's not your place to comment." But even as she spoke, an underlying curiosity about the wolf before her began to take root.

With a look that felt like he was seeing right through her, Eric nodded. As Elena drove away, she couldn't help but feel that her life was on the cusp of a dramatic change. Tonight's events were merely the beginning of an unpredictable journey.

Of prejudice and pack ( Bound by fate 2)Where stories live. Discover now