Chapter 6: Theater

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As Jake sauntered out of the precinct, Eric discreetly followed, blending into the sea of pedestrians. They had chosen a perfect time: just when the city's hustle and bustle peaked, making it easier for Eric to trail without arousing suspicion.

Elena's voice whispered into Eric's earpiece, "Keep a safe distance. Remember, he's dangerous ."

Eric laughed " is little red ridding hood worried about the big bad wolf."

Elena rolled her eyes knowing full well Eric couldn't see her response. "Maybe we should put you in a pink dress and given you a walking stick let you go incognito."

" that way it will be more of a surprise when I gobble up that big bad human" Eric responds jockinly

As minutes turned to hours, the chase led them through the city's diverse landscape: crowded markets, silent alleyways, bustling parks, and a few close calls. Once, Jake stopped at a street vendor, deliberately taking his time to choose a scarf, all the while watching his surroundings through the reflection of a nearby car window. Eric had to duck into a nearby bookstore to avoid being spotted.

It was getting dark when Jake finally seemed to have a clear destination in mind. He moved toward the older part of the city, where cobbled streets whispered tales of yesteryears. Buildings, once majestic, now stood eroded by time, graffiti adorning their walls.

Jake finally stopped in front of an old abandoned theater, its grandeur hidden beneath years of neglect. Glancing around one last time, he disappeared inside.

Eric took cover behind a dilapidated food stall across the street. "He's inside the old Theater."

Elena's voice was urgent, "Wait for backup. We don't know what's in there."

But Eric's instincts were screaming at him. "There's more to this than we thought. I can sense it."

They waited, and waited. Hours seemed to pass with no sign of Jake leaving the building.
"Something's not right," Elena muttered.
Eric nodded in agreement, "We need more intel. Let's scout the perimeter."

Circling the building, they found a side entrance, slightly ajar. Peering in, they found themselves looking down a dimly lit hallway, lined with doors. Faint sounds of movement and hushed conversations echoed through the corridor.

Elena looked at Eric, "This could be their base, or at least one of them."

Eric, his face serious, whispered, "We can't go in blind. We need a plan."

They decided to retreat, for now, taking note of the theater's details and location. "We'll keep an eye on this place," Elena said as they made their way back to the precinct. "Gather more intel, more resources, and hit them when they least expect it."

Eric looked over at her, admiration evident in his eyes, "Agreed. Jake's just the tip of the iceberg. There's something bigger going on here."

And with that realization, their determination to uncover the truth only intensified.

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