Amarseena podcast (Not a chapter update)

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Hello, fellow Amarseena fans!!

Not a chapter update.

I didn't think people would read this story, but here we are.!
Thank you for your support.

Anyway, I am starting a new podcast channel where I and my friend will be posting all sorts of interesting stories.

The base of the stories is sci-fi +

Now, this sci-fi plus include any genre that our audience wishes for. (Be it romance, suspense, thriller, motivational, etc.)

What I want to share here is:

If you guys would like to listen to interesting stories of Haseena Malik, Mahila Thana, Amar Vidhrohi, and other characters?

All these stories will be in podcast format so no need to read. Just listen and enjoy.

Want other shows like Ziddi dil mane na? Tell us that as well!

Hit up the comments and tell me if you would like to listen to new stories with all the chaos of Mahila Police Thana and Madam Sir's team.

Also, for more specifications, you can answer the questions:

1. Which show (Madam Sir or some other)

2. Language (Hindi, English, or Hinglish)

3. Favourite characters.

4. short stories or long chapters?

A new chapter of 'New Beginning for Haseena Malik' will be updated soon!

New Beginning for Haseena MalikWhere stories live. Discover now