Chapter 2 Rain

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Boink, boink, boink..

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter..

Incessant bouncing sound along with the sound of a heavy rain, it rhymed so perfectly. Ah music, it is so relaxing. I listened to it for a few minutes, slowly regaining my strength to stand up while my eyes still closed. As i was stretching my hand and rubbing my eyes, it was only then did it finally clicked on me.

W-wait, sound of a heavy rain?

My eyes shot open as a realization came upon me. I instantly looked at the barricade i set up only to see a bunch of umbrella slimes bouncing around my barricade happily, much to my disappointment. The blue creatures with umbrellas attached to their gelatinous body were so big and tall, even taller than me. The hopping monster looked so excited, as if a predator finally getting their prey, but little did they know, they are the one going to be annihilated later.

"Wendy, we need to go now." While i was waking the still sleeping fennec fox, i grabbed a ruby staff, a golden pickaxe and a clock out of my traveling bag. I had to rub my eyes a couple times to confirm if i was just seeing things, hoping that my brain is just still in a mess as i just woke up. But as i looked one last time at the mechanical device, i still ended up seeing the same exact thing.


Crap, did i just sleep here the entire day?

I hurriedly put the the clock back in my white traveling bag, scratching the back of my head out of annoyance for wasting an entire day sleeping. I could have done a lot of stuff this day, now I'm not gonna even get a proper sleep for the night since I've already slept too much. Great.

Once the fennec fox was finally awake, the creature instantly squeak while wagging its tail wildly, seemingly excited after hearing my announcement of our departure. "Don't you think it is better for you to be inside the golden bone? You're much more safer over there." I said to the fox that was right in front of me.

Upon hearing my words, Wendy suddenly stopped wagging its tail and looked at me with pitiful eyes as if saying that it doesn't want to go back to its chamber yet which made me surprised. Did it understand what i just said? Weird because it doesn't seems to understand what i was saying earlier when i was trying to test its fighting capabilities against a slime. Don't tell me this fox is just a plain coward, how could be an intimidating looking fox be so scared of a slime. "So you actually understand me all this time huh? Well, if you don't want to go back yet then don't cause any trouble, behave okay?" I asked which elicited an eager nod from the fennec fox.

With that, i began destroying glass blocks using my golden pickaxe. I destroyed just enough blocks for me to be able to attack the umbrella slimes safely from inside the barricade. One by one, the swarming creatures were erased out of its existence as they get hit continuously by the red energy that came from my weapon-the ruby staff-leaving nothing but a pile of gels and umbrellas.

After i was finally done dealing with the slimes, i didn't waste any second and immediately destroyed all the remaining glass blocks around. I picked one umbrella that came from the creatures that i just killed a while ago and went for a run. I didn't have to tell Wendy what to do as the fennec fox just followed after me, much to my relief.

Wendy and I run nonstop even when I'm starting to feel exhausted, we just kept running as i don't wanna bother dealing with those annoying flying fish. I took a glance at my back only to encounter a group of blue and white colored flying fish flocking before us. Umbrella slime and flying fish are one of the creatures that appears only during rain, i was lucky i didn't have to deal with raincoat zombie as well since this one only show up during night while raining.

Seeing the creatures starting to catch up, i ran even faster while Wendy didn't seems to be having any trouble keeping up with my pace. While running, i have to watch out for the hopping normal slimes around, trying my best not to provoke the creature. I also have to be careful to my steps as i might slide because of the slippery and muddy trails.

As i was starting to lose my breath, the gate of the Sven Kingdom was finally in our view, making me relief. The people who were in charge of guarding the gate immediately took notice of me and began firing arrows at the flying creature that was chasing after us. Finally we're safe, i said inwardly.

Fortunately, the guard let us inside without a problem as i absolutely want to get home immediately since it's about to get evening soon, meaning Zombies and Demon Eyes will start to appear. Dealing with this monster is a hassle especially the Demon Eyes, it was one of the most annoying creature for me to deal with since i always ended up running out of mana as may attack to them kept missing. Yeah I kinda sucks at aiming, Demon eye's swiftness also didn't help along with the slow attack of my Ruby Staff which makes hitting a fast creature even more difficult. Most of the time when I'm in that kind of situation, dealing with an annoying fast-moving creature, i had to calculate and predict on where to shoot in order to successfully hit them.

I glanced beside me, suprised to see the fennec fox still there following me. I honestly thought these kind of pet would attempt to escape when the opportunity present itself to but it seems like they are very obedient and loyal to their owner. I guess pet is not so bad, still it would have been great if they at least know how to fight.

As i was about to go left, i bumped into someone. "Ah sorry, i was in a hurry." I immediately apologized to the person. As i looked at him, i saw a unfamiliar face under his black umbrella. He had a brown hair and brown eye and wore a normal looking attire. I don't remember seeing him here before, is he a new resident here? Judging from his feature, he seems to be around his twenties.

"Ah it's fine, just be careful on your way miss." The guy just kept walking when he answered as if he was in a rush as well.

"Thanks." with that, i rushed to my house that was just a few meters ahead. It didn't take too long until Wendy and I are finally in the house just right before the monsters at night started swarming.

My house was not so big and not so fancy like others, it was made of stone lab with some other blocks such as boreal wood and glass block. I didn't have that much furniture or decoration inside my house because i live alone here and I'm also not the type of person to put an effort in to decorating so yeah my house is kinda just plain.

"This is my house Wendy." I wiped the sweat in my forehead that had been formed after all the running all the way from the forest, and tossed the umbrella on the table. I take a look on my pet to see how it is doing only to get my attention grabbed by something on the wooden floor next to my pet. Laying just under the door was a paper which kind of looked like some sort of message paper, Wendy sniffed it carefully.

I picked the paper right after noticing, and confirmed that there was indeed a message seeing the words written on it. Someone probably came and waited to my house to deliver a message. He most likely gave up waiting and and just left a message paper through the gap below the door since i didn't come home the entire day. Whoever that person is, i just felt bad for him.

"Come to the castle tomorrow afternoon 2:30pm, the King has invited all of the promising and talented people in melee class, mage class, summoner class and ranger class. The King will be announcing something very important, we'll need everyone's cooperation so please come at the right time."

Question of the day: What monster or creature annoys you the most in terraria? Why?

Author's Note: This story is a fanfic story so it will not follow the same exact story/lore of the game.

I'll be using the word "Terrarian" on this book as a term for the people who are adventurer or in any kind of class (Ranger class,  Melee class, Mage class and Summoner class.)

Also don't forget to vote and comment on what you think about this story. I like reading feedback a lot.

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