Awkwardness ensued the atmosphere as Andrew and I, get closer to the majestic castle. We didn't say a single word after our brief introduction which should have been a relief for me but it only made the situation uncomfortable in the end. I had to distance myself away from him to avoid the awkwardness, and also to not get mistaken as a couple by the other people looking on our way. After a while, we were finally in front of our destination, much to my relief.
The knights who were guarding the castle confirmed our identification first if we were indeed invited before letting us in. As we entered the massive castle, I couldn't help myself but feel amazed by how magnificent the place is. It was my first time being here that it almost felt like i had made a huge accomplishment in my life just by entering the place. If outside the castle already looks impressive, the interior was even more impressive because of the detailed design and expensive-looking decorations. I couldn't figure out what kind of blocks the castle's wall were made of as i have never seen such a beautiful blocks before, but i could tell just by looking that the blocks were valuable and hard to come by. Right at the center of the castle was a big chandelier, probably two or three times bigger than the normal ones, it also appears to be made of diamond as the light around reflected so beautifully.
I was too busy admiring the place that I only noticed the other people as I heard a hoarse voice from the very end of the castle, silencing everyone around. There were a lot of people invited to the castle than i expected it to be.
"Ahem, ahem. It looks like everyone is here now." The person at the very end of the castle was, Edmund Cromwell, the king himself, standing with an air of authority and stern expression across his face. The man had a golden hair that matches his golden eyes, he also wore an expensive-looking attire only him could wear. On the top of his head was the precious crown that were made of platinum and ruby. Sitting close to him were none other than, Alvira Cromwell, the queen and, Gelosia Cromwell, the princess.
If hadn't known that Edmund Cromwell was already in his forties, i would assume that he is still in his thirties because of his body figure that doesn't seems to age. "All of you might be wondering why I suddenly invited you here in the castle..." he finally speak.
"But before that, does anyone here remember what exactly happen 12 days ago?" The king asked, his serious eyes landing on the first person who raised their hand.
"Uh exactly 12 days ago..." the guy who raised a hand seems to be feeling uncomfortable as all the attention suddenly turned on him but he continued nevertheless, "a slime rain, that hadn't happen since 45years ago, occur and the goblins suddenly appears as well..."
I have heard of what happened almost two weeks ago, rumors said that the Sven Kingdom experienced an abnormal event that resulted to some part of the kingdom getting completely destroyed after the disaster. I weren't able to witness it with my very own eyes as i were at the neighboring town-Netiar Town-doing a personal business, when everything happened.
It was all thanks to the fast-worker builders that Sven Kingdom managed to returned back to normal in just one week as if nothing happened. But even after Sven Kingdom recovered from the disaster, the disturbance that the unusual event caused didn't cease to end. Many people from other town and city questioned the Sven Kingdom on how such disaster occured, some didn't take it seriously but most of the people couldn't help but felt uneasy as Sven Kingdom, the strongest and most armed place in the entire terraria world, was damaged by unexpected events. "What if, the same thing were to happen to our town?" were the comments i heard a lot when i was still in Netiar Town. I couldn't blame them tho as the power difference between Sven Kingdom and Netiar Town shouldn't even be a question at all.
"Very well..." giving a nod to the guy who raised his hand, it was finally Edmund turn's to speak. "Everyone might think that slime rain and goblins invasion occurring at the same time were just a pure coincidence, even i did think so. But few days ago, a Dryad appeared in front of someone i know..."
After hearing the word Dryad, everyone's expression seems to have turned even more serious than ever. There were gasps and whispers. According to the elderly, if there was an impending doom, Dryad is said to appear to warn us about the upcoming disaster, she was also said to bring blessing to those people she believed to be the chosen heroes. If a Dryad were to appear just to warn us about something then we might actually in a more deeper trouble than we thought.
"The Dryad said, [In every two weeks, a disaster will strike. If not dealt properly, the situation will get worse and worse until it couldn't be controlled anymore. Also, be careful to the Goblins.]"
Question of the day: What is the longest hours of playing in your terraria world?
Author's Note: Oops chapter 5 was finished earlier than i expected it to be. I guess i didn't have to learn how a king really speak since he didn't talk that much in this chapter. So far, chapter 5 is the most enjoyable chapter I've written!
Also the last name(Cromwell) of Edmund, Alvira and Gelosia is soo bad T.T, i couldn't think of any other last name. If you have any better suggestion that suits the three a lot, don't be shy to comment it down below. Don't forget to vote!:)
I'll be using the word "Terraria" as a term to their world like how we refer to our planet as earth.

Terraria | MAGE CLASS
FanfictionStatus: On Going A Terraria Fanfic Story Amber Kenley, a 19yrs old girl, who have a great talent when it comes to mage class was tasked a mission. Along with the other powerful people in other class, can Amber be able to successfully clear this mis...