Chapter 1:Living hell

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Second person-

There you were crawling slowly to the entrance of your somewhat bedroom. Although really it wasn't, in reality it was just the closet like basement that's just a little larger than the whole of under the stairs. You had lived in this room since you were a baby or more like even since a monster and mistake was forced into Lisa and Richards lives. Those were your parents but you always referred to them by there first names. One because they didn't like the reminder that you were there child and two because they didn't ever feel like parents to you so there first names would do. Though you couldn't even refer to them with first name when talking to them you had to say Mr & Mrs Blackwood.

You slowly pushed your back up against the door so you could use your weight instead of your strength to open the door. Once you hear the click the door immediately open and your already banging head and aching back thudded onto the ground. You didn't care though, you flipped onto your tummy and use your arms and legs to slither your way to your destination.

Once in the room you used a bit of the limit strength you had left and try to quickly and quietly close the door with your foot. You then slowly attempted to crawl to your bed. Dizzily, you pulled yourself on the the bed with the little strength you had remaining. Unlike normal, you had no energy but unfortunately your body still had to move so you lied on the bed, quickly bandage the deepest cut on your body with the first aid kits, which you had gotten a beating for when they found out you stole them but never ended up finding them as you had hidden them very well, then you lay your head down on the 37 year old mattress and rock solid pillow you were give. You lie down struggling to sleep, not because of the pillow or the mattress but because your brain although hazy and desperately try to turn itself off was still running a marathon of ideas, thoughts and scenarios preventing you from escaping life to your slumber. It doesn't help that your body moves as much as your thoughts and you couldn't stop your feet from swaying from side to side and your fingers from twiddling and tapping. Eventually you passed out due to your body being to stressed out from the pain.

You woke up to being pushed and kicked out of bed, Richards voice boomed with disgust saying "If you make one mistake today, I swear, I'll do more than beat the bullshit out of you, you disgusting, piece of shit. You disgust me!". He then followed that up with a scowling face and a whispered " fat fucking retard..." as he walked out the door.

You quietly sigh, strain your  body and force all the muscles in you to force your self up. To be honest when you were a kid those words probably would have hurt, but you've run out of any fucks to give at this point, talking to you was like talking to a brick wall, Liza and Richard had traumatised and beaten everything live out of you.

You slowly limped your way over to the creased stained maid uniform that covered up not much of your body but you were forced to wear due to Richard and Liza's perverted needs. You slowly undress from your ripped underwear and sports bra from last night and changed them to a new, not ripped pair, then slipped on the uniform, trying your best to not reopen any wounds or snap some semi healed bones as you had only used the special health liquid to heal your bones by making a small incision and pouring it inside you , whereas your cuts you just stitched up and bandage them because for some reason the liquid doesn't work on them.

You though nothing of it since to be honest everything about you is fucked up and weird so you didn't let it take up to many of your Infinite thoughts. You were so weird you probably would never pin point the cause of it not healing but who know. It could be the fact you had ADHD, which not many people knew what that was but Mother Miranda diagnosed you because when she was experimenting on you she picked up on it (Richard and Liza bought you to Mother Miranda to find why you were, and I quote, 'such a disgrace' and she ended up doing worst than what your 'parents' had done to you). Another thing that could be the reason is the fact you have a penis, a big one in fact it was 18-20 inches depending on whether you were turned on or not. Which made Richard mad when he found Liza doing stuff with you and he ended up beating you even though she was the one that raped you. Another thing that comes to mind is how you can  create things with your body (similar to momo yaorozu from mha) and mild and move said objects with or without touching them.

You covered up as much of your terrorised body as possible trying to hide as many of your previously self made and abuse made injuries. Once feeling suitable enough you exited your room and closed the door. You then hurriedly rushed to the kitchen to begin breakfast. As you almost finished the final pieces of bacon Liza and Richard walked in and dramatically sat down to emphasise there 'authority'. You place the bacon on there place just as they were about to say something, they both pause and then guzzled up there food like animals. Of course you didn't eat as you only got to eat one medium size meal every three days since which although you basically didn't eat you still had a lot of muscle on your body but some parts were still thin enough that you could see bone. Liza and Richard didn't want there servant and punching bag to die just yet, they liked not doing things themselves.

All of a sudden Richard clears his throat and with and booming voice announces "We will be going out for lunch and if when I come back I see one thing out of place your gonna wish you were dead. Got it...". You reply with a purposefully submissive voice " Yes Mr Blackwood...".

Then the irritating silence appears again and your body starts get antsy and the torture of having to try stay still, pay attention and force your Nero divergent mind to restrain itself crumbles apart as the feeling of holding your breath for 30 days disintegrates inside of you and you finally feel free for a few seconds. You then suddenly start tapping your feet and the colour leaves slightly from your already extremely pale face. Richard turns around with a sharp knife in hand and a statistic look in his eyes almost as if you had killed his whole family but in reality he had as he was a crazy, manic, mad man. He slowly rises from his chair looked at me and breaths out in the most disgusted tone, paired with the most disgusted look and says" Did you just fucking move without permission!?". Your thoughts go all over the place as You wonder what he'll do to you today, wether he'll still go out to lunch, wether you'd sort of survive this beating similar to the others. Your speedy thought trail, is interrupted by a knife coming into contact with your thigh, your eyes widen slightly from shock as you were busy thinking and not pay attention to your surroundings. You recover quickly from the shock as the begin to prepare yourself for the torturous beating in store. You suddenly feel your flesh rip and twist inside of you as he spins the blade still embedded in your thighs fresh meat. He rapidly pulls it out stabs it into your thigh again and then grabs you by the neck strangling you and tripping you to the floor so he can grab a meat tenderiser and continuously slams it into you skull, back and chest for 3 minutes straight. He then smashes a chair on you and rips the legs off so he can stab each of your thighs with the first two and the the third and fourth were stabbed into the far right of your chest and your lower back. You could feel each object bashing against you and impaling you. Richard continues to beat you for at least an hour longer, after that you are a bloody unconscious balled on the floor. He then washed himself up ready to go out with Liza for lunch and a look around but before leaving, took one more disgusted look at you, then un-guiltily slammed and locked the door shut as you were stuck there just regaining consciousness and trying to put pressures on all of your extremely deep wounds.

What you would give to escape this horrible living hell...

Word count:1561 (including extra bit at bottom here)

Hope you enjoyed reading first chapter and please if you would like critique and give feedback so I know how to improve my writing

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