Chapter 7:Regret and First Day pt1

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(~jbfkfkkf~ = thinking to self)

Second person-

You and Jane then finished making yourselfs presentable. As you did so all you could think was how quick your life felt it was going. First you left your abusive house hold only yesterday, you had a strange yet in your opinion slightly comforting talk with Lady Dimitrescu who's name you couldn't pronounce, then for some reason you realised you just had sex with the head maid. Clearly the blood hadn't gotten to your brain fast enough as why would you sleep with Jane. You had just met her and you weren't even attracted to her. Then you thought ~Oh shit, I'm doing that authority thing again~. You wanted to shot your self in the head. You see, a long time ago, because you were a bit different your brain seems to develop information and process thing differently, so when you were younger and authority figure started looking at you hungrily and forcing you to do thing you didn't like, your brain took that as a sign that if someone of high authority than you looked at you like that you must do as they please even bringing up the idea yourself because sometimes when you didn't, you'd get beaten. It all made sense now, this wasn't the first time you had done this you did it with Liza, Mother Miranda, Richard, a few other people and now Jane. It's luck she seems like a sweet person and agreed to just be friends afterward.

You also contemplate her words about your scars. I mean maybe she find scars attractive or something but that doesn't make them any less ugly. It doesn't make you any less uglier.

Once you finally forced yourself out of your thoughts you look back up at Jane. "Sorry." "For what?" "This, it was an accident. Im sorry." " Y/n, it's fine." You nod her words not reassuring you at all. Jane looked a bit closer to see if you showed any physical changes to show whether you believed her. She only found that you seemed colder and more stiff now. She sighed and try to begin to speak. You hurried and just left the room. You already started trying to forget it for the sake of you not killing your self tonight. You stood out side in a soldier like stature ready for your first day. Jane came out of your room. "Well let's wake the others and get started ."

Once Jane had woken all the others you all stood in a small crowd. Jane then grabbed a clip board you had seen her holding earlier this morning. She handed one to all of you and you could finally see what it was. It was your schedule for today but you had an extra piece of paper. You took a closer look and saw it was a map of the castle. Then you saw a small message:

You may have said you didn't need help but I don't want you getting lost so its the least I can do

Lady Dimitrescu

You look at it, the corner of your lips curling up and a small energy burst vibrated through your body as you started spinning one of the small rings you had bought from the duke ages ago for adhd. You noticed you had smiled slightly and immediately straightened your expression again. That was the first time in 16 years you had ever even slightly smiled.

You look up as Jane began talking to the group again. "Now there are quite a few rules that are also written down on you scheduled so you remember, but I will still be listening a few. One, do not under any circumstance open any of the windows in the castle the Lady's daughters, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela are very sensitive to the cold. Two, do not make any mistakes, if you do you will most likely be dragged to the dungeon and never seen again. Three, do not go into any of the rooms I told you not to go in, otherwise you will again, be dragged down to the dungeon. And last for me to mention is the fourth and the most important, do as the Lady and her daughters say no matter what. Now there is other rules but those four are the most important and besides most of the other rules are just the specific ways to cook and clean and stuff around the castle." She finished of with a quick look around to make sure all of us understood.  She didn't suspect anything from you but in reality you had zoned out for most of what she said you only caught the bit about the rules being in the corner and that only four were mandatory rules.

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