Chapter 3:Finally Free...Maybe

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(The images above are what your face and body look like but if you don't like it that's fine but these will be the ones I'll describe in the story and the body will have boobs and a lot of scars, cuts and bruises as well)

Second person-

You open your eyes and look at the figure in the door. Liza does the same and turns her head to see Richard. He look at you both very confused. All of a sudden you feel Liza sneakily pull both of your underwear up and since she had a long dress Richard wouldn't see her do so. She then carefully lifted herself off of your lap and walks over to Richard and in a very sweet voice says " Baby, don't yell, you'll wake up the neighbours." Richard replies with" How do you expect me not to yell when you are having sex with that freak in MY house!?" She look at him with shock then laugh a bit then says "oh hahah you got the situation completely wrong. We weren't doing anything like that, no no no no, you see Y/n had a scratch on her face and I wanted her to look presentable for tomorrow, so I thought I'd try cover it up a bit but she couldn't stand still and was a bit to tall for me to reach so I had to get her to sit and to get closer I had to sit on her lap. You see, it wasn't like that I promise." Richard then look at you and you nodded agreeing with her lie so you wouldn't get a beating. Richard then turned to her and said " I'm sorry for yelling dear, I was just a bit confused by the situation...". She look up at him, smiled, gave him a kiss on the cheek and then left the room as if nothing had happened. Richard turned around and told you " I think its time for you to head to bed...". You got up to leave pulling your shirt down to cover your still erected penis as you hurried out the room and ran to your room. You closed the door then turned and leaned your back on it, you then looked down at your hard dick and walked to the bathroom searching for the lube you had stolen from the old bathroom. You then walked out and sat on the side of your bed, you pulled your boxer down and put some lube on your hand, you then quickly started to jerk off continuously quickening your pace soon as you felt that knotting feel in your stomach again and knew you were close. All of a sudden you squirted out a thick, juicy, rope of cum. It now covered the floor and you were quite impressed by how far it went. You cleaned the floor just happy that your dick was soft again. Once you had finished cleaning you began packing all your stuff up apart from the stuff you would need tomorrow morning.

Once you had finished packing you then immediately flopped onto your bed ready to fight with your adhd to see if you would sleep.

-Time skip-

After wrestling with your brain for a while you finally fell asleep.

You were woken up by a shake of the shoulder and a masculine but higher pitched voice saying "Y/n...wake up". You slowly open your eyes confused on who woke you so gently but to your surprise you look up and see Richard. " Umm.. hello sir" you say in your monotone deep raspy voice. He then looks at you almost, empathetic? After that he put some clothes down and left the room closing the door behind him. You sit up confused, maybe you just imagined it. Happy with that answer you got up headed to your bathroom, had a quick shower and then dried yourself. When you walk out of the room you went straight to the clothes Richard had put down for you. It look to be a suit which surprised you as Mr & Mrs Blackwood had never let you wear masculine clothes apart for your underwear and sports bras. It was a nice suit as well it was all black.

 It was a nice suit as well it was all black

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You slowly got changed being careful not to crease it. Once finished you complete the rest of your morning routine and then gathered up the rest of your stuff and placed them in your large suit case.

You then took one last look at the basement under the stairs and sighed, this was the last time you'd ever see it.

You exited the room holding your brief case containing all your belongings which in reality wasn't much. You look left and right of the hallway and headed to the front door. You place your bag by the front door. You then turn around and head for the kitchen in a almost soldier like walk that you had only just realised you had always done. As you enter the kitchen you stopped and faced Richard and Liza and greeted them" sir, ma'm....". You gain complete silence from the two, Richard looked at you for a spit second so you went to get there breakfast out but Richard stopped you " don't worry about it Y/n you have to...g-go soon anyway..." you look at him internally surprised but you being you, unable to express emotions, you just nod your head and stand at the door facing the sink with your hands behind your back.

A sudden knock sounded at the door so you look at the clock 8:58am. Both Richard and Liza look at you curiously and nervously as they razed from there chairs and began walking to the front door, you following close from behind. They opened the door were a well dressed man that you knew as the village messager, stood with a tight smile he then greeted Mr & Mrs Blackwood " ello, sir ma'm I'm here for Y/n Blackwood if you may...". You reach for your bag and effortlessly carry it to the carriage we're the man tells you we're to place it. As you walk back towards Mr & Mrs Blackwood, you get a glimpse inside the carriage and see four girls wearing ankle length, long sleeved dresses and tears running down all there faces. You pay attention to your surroundings again and find you are now standing in front of the two adults that had ruined your life. You look at them both and suddenly Liza started sobbing and nestles her face into Richards arm. He grabs her waist and brings both of them towards you as they both suddenly move forward and you flinch back thinking you would be hit but instead they both wrap there arms around your your waist and nuzzle there headed into your chest. Your mouth become slightly Agar as your look down furrowed eyebrows as you tilt your head a slightly muffled "goodbye Y/n" comes from Liza. Richard then looks up at you and says "good luck Y/n...". You nod your head and back away from the two adults and then dust off your suit and in a emotionless voice say " goodbye Mr & Mrs Blackwood...". They look at you with sorrow as you you turn around with your usual unwavering straight face.

The messager opened the door for you and you look and nod at him as a thank you. You then go up the steps and take the only seat left right next to the door on the left side of the carriage. All the women already in the carriage look at you confused. Clearly, the snobbiest of the women said " I didn't know men would be working at the castle and what happened to your face, it looks weird?". You sit down man spreading because you had always sat like that and leaned back with your arms crossed. You look at her for a split second then say in a monotone voice " One I'm non-binary and go by she/they and Two you don't wanna know."

The women in the carriage all look around as you closed your eyes. Suddenly one of the girls speak up with a extremely quiet voice saying " I don't think your face looks weird, I think it actually looks nice...". You look at her and its a rather small girl with tanned skin, hazel eyes and light brunette hair. You look at her and say " thank you" with a straight face and flat voice but your words still cause the girl to blush. The rest of the ride was silent with not so subtle looks from all the women.

After a will the driver/messager knocked on the carriage and announced "we're here ladies!". You all look out the window to your right and all see a massive, elegant castle towering over you all.

" hmm.... Interesting"

Word count:1526(including author message)

Hello hope you like this chapter, it's a bit small but I'm try to update as much and as quickly as possible and still make sure you like the story.


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