Chapter 4:Castle Dimitrescu

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Second person-

You all look up to see a humongous and beautiful castle reaching to the sky. You feel like a peasant just looking at it. Suddenly, your driver/ the messager man opened the door and held his hand out for one of the lady's to take. The snobbiest, which you learned name was Betty, immediately took his hand and not so gracefully stumbled out of the carriage followed by yourself last as you were a gentleman. The messager then looked at you all and said " This is as far as I take you lovely ladies and non-binary pal" he then says looking at you. " Now, Imma head off but if you lot just go down that path and across the bridge the lady of the castles head maid should be waiting at the door ready to get you lot sorted." He then hands you all your luggage, hops back on to the carriage and rides of yelling " good luckkk!!"

You and the women then all do as instructed and quickly make your way to the entrance of the castle. As you finally arrive at your destination, the doors open before any of you can knock. Once completely open you see two women one looking like she has quite a bit of authority with her long black hair in a high bun and a special looking maid outfit. Whereas the other had long blonde hair in a low ponytail and a very boring looking maid outfit different to the first lady though.

The dark haired lady spoke first "hello, I'm Jane the head made at castle dimitrescu I will be here to help you get settled and teach you everything you need to know. Now before we start, any questions?" A few of the girls put there hand half way up. "Yes,you". The snobby one, you'd already forgotten her name but she began to ask "How long do we have to work for because I'm a very busy person and have things to do so....". "Well guess what it doesn't matter who you are or we're your a maid now and that's all so if I tell you your gonna work from 6:00am-23:30pm then your gonna have to because your schedule no longer matters you work for Lady Dimitrescu now your time life and soul belong to her so don't start with me about your busy schedule". You smile internally think about how she got put down quick.

Once Jane was done answering questions you all began to head inside. Straight away you see a intricate portrait of three women then you exited the entrance room and carried on walking through a spacious hallway with vases and flower on every counter top and large velvety curtains neatly hung on each side of there designated window.

You all then turned right to a pare of dark brown double door which Jane struggles to hold open since the blonde girl was to busy talking to the snobby one in your group, so you quickly, but elegantly help her to hold them open, pushing the doors as if they weigh nothing. Jane looked at you impressed and a little flustered. You just stool there with a expressionless face and the overwhelming need to fidget and move and flail around like a weirdo. You tried using your continuously thinking brain to try distract yourself which somewhat worked but you could still feel the torture as your iner self kicking, scratching and screaming to be let out which caused you physically pain. Once everyone was finally in the room and had walked though the doors, you let it go so you can finally see the new room or more like hall as it was a massive room with a large chandelier, medieval knights armour neatly placed around the room, a curved stair case with red carpeting, and a sofa with a nice little fireplace in front of it, a lit fireplace to be exact.

As you were busy admiring the lovely room/hall a feminine but deep voice the suddenly echo as the double doors to your right slam open and reveal the side view of a extremely tall woman maybe around 9 1/2ft

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As you were busy admiring the lovely room/hall a feminine but deep voice the suddenly echo as the double doors to your right slam open and reveal the side view of a extremely tall woman maybe around 9 1/2ft. You could only see that she had raven black hair that was straight a on the upper half and the bottom half had beautiful large curls , her hair was around lower neck length and looked extremely soft. You could also see that she had an extremely big, curved, sun hat on her head casting a shadow on her upper body. You could also see that she had a gorgeous hourglass figure and just looking at it made your dick twitch a bit also the size of her boobs weren't helping the sensation in you dick but you had to stay focused as you didn't want a boner from just looking at the size profile of a woman.

The woman was shouting at a around 5ft9 brunette haired girl that you could sees face and she had black coated lips with red smeared around them, extremely pale skin, a strange but pretty tattoo on her forehead and murky yellow eyes. She wore a black dress with a corset and a long black hooded cape/cloak thing and to top it all off a long necklace with daggers strung through and a chocker with a yellow gem.

"Cassandra, all I'm asking is if you are going the chase the maids around can you please do it far away from my vases and expensive carpets!?" The brunette looked at the other woman and nod with an apologetic and guilty look. " I apologise mother I'll try not to break any vases or stain any carpets next time..." The much taller woman sighs and turns around finally so you can see the front of her body,

Her body and hat didn't change but now you could see her face and just looking at it made you have a nice sick feeling in your stomach and caused you heart to skip a beat. She had the most vibrant yellow eye that look menacing and gorgeous at the same time. Beautiful large eyelashes surrounding her captivating eyes. Plump, soft looking, luscious, crimson lip. An adorable nose, stunning check bones and perfectly positioned crease adding depth to certain areas on her alluring face.

She they started walking in your direction, then looked up were her eyes met yours. The two of you were almost in a trance staring at each other for quite a while, that is until Jane spoke up " My Lady, good morning". The tall woman then broke the eye contact, ever so slightly flustered and confused but trying to make it unnoticeable, although you could tell. You also were confused but didn't show it. The lady then replied "Jane are these the new maids...". "Yes, Miss..". The lady then turn her attention back to you which as normal surprises you internally "Hmm then why is there a man-thing in my castle!". Jane opened her mouth to speak but the Lady silenced her with a swift hand gesture, she then nods to you indicating that she wanted the answer from you. "My Lady, I apologise for the confusion my appearance my have caused you but I am a non-binary women as I go by the pronouns she/they, but of course if those are to confusing, I'm happy to be referred to as what ever you please." You say with a monotone voice and face. The Lady look at you more curiously and then turns and looks at Jane again " I'm assuming you will show the new maids and.... Butlers?". She looks at you for confirmation and you nod back to agree. "To there rooms, then give them a tour and that should bring you to around dinner so after that I would like you to escort ummm.." she then looks at you for another reply so you say "Y/n". " Right, escort Y/n to my charmers after dinner." She said then looking at you intensely. "Well I must be heading of for lunch now" she said as she walked away. Some of the girls began whispering but Jane told them to be quiet, you all then followed her. She then lead you all to a some double up rooms and a single room you and all the girls going to separate rooms immediately. The snobby girl and a girl with dirty blonde hair took the first room, the shy brunette and a darker brunette girl took the second and you took the single.

Once everyone was settled you all exited your rooms and waited for Jane to give further instructions. " alright lady's and non-binary's, next thing is the tour, so I will mention places you can and can't go so be careful and make sure to listen closely.". You internally panicked as your adhd makes you forget super easily. You were worried that you would get lost and told off for being late and then killed or something. No one could tell you were panicking because you show nothing on the surface like normal. Jane then began the tour showing you all different kind off magnificent places and rooms and all sorts, you especially liked the library, opera hall and the garden. Once finished Jane began listening the places you couldn't go "The basement, art room, roof, lady and her daughters chambers/personal rooms unless you have a task there, courtyard and the gold door on the far right of the corridor upstairs. Now any more questions before you all retire to your bedrooms?". "Yeah, I'm hungry when's dinner" said the snobby one "Well normally you'll eat with all the other maids in the main dining room in the maids quarter but just for tonight you'll be eating in your rooms and I'll bring the food to you so no need to worry. Now anyone, ok great now head back to your rooms" you turn forgetting you had to see the lady. " oh Y/n not you, you have to go see the lady remember." You turn confused then remember so you turn on your heels and follow Jane somewhere.

Word count:1731(including author message)

Hello I hope you like this chapter and have a great day or night were ever you are


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