Chapter 5:Talk With The Lady

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Second person-

Jane lead you to a dark hallway with amazing gold ascents woven into the walls. As you continue your soldier like stride down the lengthy hall. Jane then stops at a plain brown door, raises her hand and knock three time's. A loud but feminine voice you recognise rings out through the open quit, her voice ever so slightly muffled by the door. Jane then slowly opens the door clearly struggling with its weight so you place one hand on it and effortlessly open it for her. She looked at you slightly flustered and then composes herself ready to talk with Lady Dimitrescu. She walked into the room or at lest walked in enough that she could be seen by the gigantic woman. "My Lady, I have bought Y/n as you requested" she said shaking a bit, clearly scared of the sky scraper of a woman. You then hear a "Thank you Jane, you may sent them in..".

Jane then look to you as you took a few steps forward so you were right next to Jane. "Jane, you may now be dismissed". She noded and left the room carefully closing the door behind her.

You began to actually look around the room. It was very dark as the only source of light was the roaring flame in the fire place, which also gave the room a cozy warmth. You have a bit more of a look around and see a large bed like a really large bed with a gorgeous frame and curtains draped to the sides. Many paintings of naked women? A massive chair with a colossal shadowy figure holding a over sized custom wine glass. The shadow suddenly stands up and you get a glimpse of there outfit as they walk towards the fire place. She was wearing her hat as usual but instead of the form fitting dress she wore earlier she had on a black see thought dressing gown that was open at the front revealing corset looking black lingerie with connected black stockings, little black bows, some pearl earrings and a pearl necklace.

 She was wearing her hat as usual but instead of the form fitting dress she wore earlier she had on a black see thought dressing gown that was open at the front revealing corset looking black lingerie with connected black stockings, little black b...

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(This but black basically)

You were quite stunned when your saw her outfit choice and you could definitely feel your little buddy down there begin to spring to life and your palms begin to get sweaty and your heart begin to bang against your rib cage but you ignored all of it and looked away from respect for the Lady and your respect for your self control. You then, while avoiding her gaze, said "Good evening, My Lady...". You heard her hat swoosh indicating that she had turned her head to look at you. "Umm, you do know its rude not to look at someone when talking to them?". You nod and reply " I do My Lady, it's just I though I'd show my respect for you by not looking at you in such a....revealing outfit."

You hear her hat swoosh again probably looking down at her outfit. "Well it's not like it really matters we all have the same general body parts anyway it doesn't really matter, what does matter is you looking at me when I'm talking to you, is it not?". You take a deep breath in trying to compose your self so your body doesn't react to much from seeing her stunning body.

You look back at her trying to only look at her head and above, also trying to forget you have peripheral vision. She had a curious expression on her face paired with a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised. "That is unless we don't have the same general body part?" she asked a bit confused on why your body had tensed a bit more than your already regular tenseness at the general body parts mention in her sentence. You degraded your self mentally for letting your body react without permission.

You look at her with a neutral expression and say "I'm not sure discussing that subject will make either of us comfortable, My Lady." You say in your regularly flat tone. "Well I would still like to know as I have to keep track on any special needs my workers may have, especially if it could disrupt there work so please do tell me....". You stay silent really not wanting to to be called the horrible names you had in the past for being intersex. "It wasn't a question but a demand!" She says, her voice dripping with authority.

You clear your throat and then begin your uncomfortable explanation. "Well there may be one or two thing that are.......unique about me." "And they are...?" She asked. You swallowed lightly "Well My Lady, I'm what you calling intersex its where........although the rest of my body looks female, masculine but still female....well apart from one part of my body you see I have........male genitals.....". There was silence for a few seconds then the lady began to speak again "Hmm interesting, and does it work the same as...... a regular male?". "Yes..." you say a bit bluntly already wanting this conversation to be over. Then you felt an energy burst explode insides you body and started shaking your hand rapidly and attempting to subtly fidget however you could. The Lady clearly noticed it as she looked from you rapidly tapping foot to your shaking hand. "Are you....okay?" she said giving you a somewhat concerned face. You just nod struggling to keep still.

She looked at you and started speaking "You said there two different things, what was the other one?" You close your eyes for a second and began whacking your hand against your thigh. You then reopen your eyes and try to compose yourself as you felt like you could through a tantrum, as Richard like to call it, which was caused by your inability to express emotions as not only were your emotions sucked out of you due to trauma, but also your adhd caused your brain to never develop the ability to express yourself but also the inability to socialise with people. You then open your eyes breath and reply "Yes, I also have adhd, it stands for attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder. There are a lot of symptoms like the struggle to remember thing, communication difficult, Hyperfixation, continuously fidgeting, caffeine doing the opposite effect/making you tired, thoughts going at 1000 mph, thoughts never stopping, it can also prevent me from doing the simplest of stuff, extreme mood swings and there are a thousand more things that adhd comes with......".

"Hmm interesting, well does your adhd cause you to need anything because I'll provide it if it helps you work better?". You looked at her for a moment confused. She was actually trying to help? This had never happened before people normally just look at you weird and called a disgusting retard. She clearly noticed that you were confused as she asked "Dear, are you alright you look very confused?". You looked up at her feeling a crack or two in your very thick and sturdy walls you had built up over the years. "Why are you trying to help and why do you keep asking wether I'm ok?". She looked confused then smiled slightly "Dear, I may be a terrifying monster but I still have some human decency left in me." She said with a slight chuckle. You just continuously look at her like she was and alien. "You do know what human decency is. Right?" She said eyebrows furrowing and her smile falling at a extremely slow pace.

You just nod your head no with a still confused face. "No, am I supposed to?" You ask extremely confused. "Are you being serious?" She asked. "Yes, why would I be joking, there was no funny subject?" You ask just getting more and more confused. She just looked at me and said " Let's just move on, so do you need anything for your adhd." You think "No, a normal person with adhd probably would but I think I will be fine." She looked at you concerned "Are you sure because the things you mentioned seem like things you'd need help for?" "No I'll be fine if that's all My Lady I'm rather tired and would like to rest." She look at you for a second then said"You missed dinner do you want me to get someone to bring you something?" "No, I'll be fine." You said in the usual flat tone again. "But you missed lunch and dinner you have to be hungry?" She asked surprised. "No not really but thank you. Now if it's ok can I please retire to my room, My Lady?" You ask and bow to her slightly. "Of course..."

You immediately turned and headed for the door. You then stop before you opened it, looked back and said "Good night My Lady.."

Then continue your actions of opening the door until you hear a quiet but firm "Good night... Y/n...". You continue your exit and speedily yet elegantly marched your way back to the maids living quarter only just about remembering where it was. As you enter your room you quickly strip down to a pare of boxers and a t-shirt then quickly brushed your teeth and headed to bed.

Word count:1581(including author message)

Hello I hope you liked this chapter I'm updating as quickly as possible and if you have any questions feel free to ask.


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