Chapter 12: Awkward Predicament and true friendship

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Y/n's perspective~

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt like I had just woken up from a coma. In my heavy daze I sleepily blink and try lift my head up a bit but I couldn't. Panic began to set in but as I slowly regained my clouded senses back. I felt a huge, gloved hand tangled gently in my short hair. I also felt two soft, huge mountains of flesh on either sides of my slightly suffocating head. I paused in realisation on where I was...

I was currently nestled right in between Lady Dimitrescu's busty chest! Her hand was resting on my head as well pulling my face closer to her large chest!

Anxiety, worry, stress, panic and a little bit of excitement set in. I started to wriggle in desperation to get out from the giants chest. My movement cause an evident reaction from the Lady as she began to stir and pull me closer with her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

I yelped in surprise and a bit of pain as my eyes also suddenly began to water slightly which cause my eyes to widen and for me to wriggle more out of fearful panic. Lady Dimitrescu began to get irritated and began to stir more. She slowly opened her eyes evidently not fully conscious. I then suddenly hear a quick shuffle and movement from the right of the Lady.

"Mother what's with all the movement..? You keep nudging me..." I hear Daniela say tiredly. I quietly make a sort of struggling noise with my throat. I hear Daniela start moving around probably trying to get a proper answer out her mother and figure out what that grunt was.

I hear her gasp slightly and try my best to turn my head and look at her with my still rather watery eyes and still a struggle to breathe.

"MOTHER! Get off of them! Y/n getting hurt by your grip!" At this I hear to body's from the left of Lady Dimitrescu spring up in a flash and dazed worry set from whom I'm assuming in Cassandra and Bela. Lady Dimitrescu slowly comes out of her hazy sleep.

Lady Dimitrescu slowly lifted her head up and looked down at my suffocating presence. After a strong dazed frown she began to regain her sense of clarity.

Her eyes widened as she finally realised the uncomfortable position I was in. She quickly loosened her grip around me.

I speedily, but mentally reluctant, ripped myself from her grasp and sucked in one of the biggest breaths I'd ever inhaled. I began to hyperventilate and aggressively cough. I was completely court of guard by the fact that the lady had accidentally restricted my breathing and to be honest it had shaken me a bit.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I just felt how warm you were and pulled you in further while asleep! I'm so sorry!" She still sleepily exclaimed.

My chest heaved a bit more and a few more strangest coughs made there way through my traumatised air ways and out my mouth.

"Omg Y/n are you ok!? Mother you need to be more careful, you could have killed them!" Bela scolded slightly forgetting that she was telling THE Lady Dimitrescu off.

"I'm sorry dear I never meant to hurt you... I was so deep asleep I didn't realise... I'm so sorry dear and I'm sorry for worrying you girls..."

With small coughs, gasps, a hoarse voice and quick breathes you tried to reply to the Lady of the castle "D-don't (deep inhale) worry-ie (cough, cough) it was (gasp) an hone-(cough)-st mistake(quick inhale)...." you force out of your extremely asthmatic lungs.

All the girls look at me with strong frowns on there faces as there face twist into more worry at my stupid attempt to talk.

"Is your throat alright Y/n it's turning a bit red, there's also a bit of a bruise setting on your neck although it still rather faint?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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