Chapter 4

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Once upon a time 600 miles away from the Shaemore Empire stands an abandoned castle that goes by the name of Windmontley, which has been rumored to contain the most feared and deadly Dragon in all of ancient history.

Said Dragon has countless stories that are known throughout many different generations and nations, but fortunately, my dragon slaying team and I were given the opportunity to kill this said dragon for the compensation of 500,000 pounds each from the Queen herself, which is a LOT of money and overall a massive honor.

It took some convincing but in the end, we all agreed to accept this request, to venture into the Windmontley Castle and bring down this dragon to return with its dismembered head.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped, In the end, I kept my promise to Emma—my assistant team leader, that the rest of them would make it out with their lives even if it meant losing my own, and that's exactly what happened.

I had already prepared myself to be killed by this dragon but instead, something weird happened, instead of ending me, he told me that I would have the "honor" of becoming his bride.

Hell, if I'm being completely honest I believe I would've preferred death over everything I've had to put up with for these past few days but still, It hasn't been long since I've been living here.

In total, I've been here almost two weeks now, but It's a bit difficult for me to keep track inside the castle considering I haven't been aware of my time here ever since I passed out the last time, but that changes today because today is the day I can finally return to the outdoors!

Or at least that how I thought I would feel about the situation, this is the worst!

"Master, will you be needing any money?"
"No need, we don't plan on staying away long," Hades also known as the world-recognized void dragon responded tying his hair up with some sort of thin string, and though I've never paid much attention to his hair before I've come to realize he looks a bit like a woman from the back if you disregard his muscular features.

If I didn't know any better, I believe that I would've assumed he were a woman.

Being outside again feels a bit weird now that I'm actually here but it may be because of this outfit that I'm forced to wear against my will.

Eve told me that he could put together a travel outfit for me but Hades only agreed to let him do so if it were to reveal more skin than my "original" outfit, and so to sum up the rest of that conversation I ended up maintaining my current outfit for this trip which is still heavy revealing.

Hades gave me some type of potion earlier that prevented a bit of my body pains and thanks to it I've been able to move around just about as freely as I could before but if I'm being honest all that matters to me is the fact I can walk.

"Safe travels Master, My lady." Eve grinned before backing away and bowing as Hades made his onto the back of the horse before holding a hand out to help me mount the horse as well.

"Y-Yes, Stay safe Eve." I smiled at him before taking Hade's hand, as I sat down he wrapped his arms around my waist before grabbing onto the reins of the saddle and making a short click noise to order the horse to move forward but instead, it started running which jerked me right into Hade's chest but luckily it prevented me from falling.

I turned back to see Eve continuously waving goodbye as we rode closer to the barrier surrounding the castle but before we reached it Hades opened another portal and the next thing I knew we were on an isolated path surrounded by trees, water, and unexplainably beautiful blue flowers of some sorts.

But now that I'm getting a better look at the area I'm beginning to recognize the trees resembling the ones inside the Terrenlita Forest.

Is it possible that this is another part of the forest? It seems much more peaceful and quiet than the part before reaching the castle's barrier.

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