Chapter 20

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The light continued fading as I continued following and after what felt like hours it finally stopped in front of some type of cave that was surrounded by overgrown plantaion but once I reached the cave the light made its way towards me to emerge itself inside of my necklace.

Just what am I supposed to do now that the light I was following placed itself into my necklace and led me to some scary-looking cave?

" I have to go in here?" I whispered to myself but to my surprise, my necklace had begun glowing white frantically, is it possible that the light creature is...answering?

"Wait a second you understand me?" I asked, and it frantically began glowing in response, again.

"Oh my, that's pretty least I won't have to go inside alone." I said with a soft smile before pushing the leaves to the side and entering the cave but once I did I realized just how much darker it was on the inside then it looked from the outside, "Ah, I can't see anyth—ing! oof!" I pressed my hands against the wall slowly moving forward but I ended up tripping over something and falling back onto the ground—hasn't even been ten minutes yet I'm already tripping over things, good job Atticus...haa, good job.

I groaned pushing myself up from the ground and as I did my necklace began shining, except this time it wasn't flickering, it was simply glowing and the cave had lit up like an explosion revealing a deep dark cave with countless rocks and dripstones hanging from the top and the ground, "Wow...thank the gods that you came along with me, who knows what could've happened if you couldn't shine..." I sighed, making my way farther into the darkness.

However, after a couple of minutes of walking, we had run into another problem, water.

The rest of the cave led down into a pool of water that was of course surrounded by dripstone, and it was very beautiful...but, the problem is the fact that I have to get across it in this outfit.

" fantastic," I sighed, removing my necklace from my neck to hold it high above my head before jumping right into the water, which submerged my body completely—excluding my necklace which was currently my main and only light source, though I quickly brought my head up shaking it to dry my hair before slowly swimming my way throughout the water,
"Pwah!this water is freezing."

Swimming in an ankle long skirt is much more difficult than you would think, and on top of that this water is 100% below freezing temperature, meaning it's highly recommended that I get of it as soon as possible or at least before my limbs give out, but fortunately, this body of water only leads in one direction.

Who would've thought that swimming training would have been this useful, but I do have to admit that it was still a pain in the butt to go through,
"Ah...what was that..?" I whispered staring up at my necklace to see it flashing in a panic and right before I turned my head I felt an unbelievable pain coming from my leg and the next thing I knew I was being dragged under.

"Mhmp!" I took one final breath before being taken under though I made it a priority to keep hold of my necklace and once I was underneath the water it somehow proceeded to shine with bright light but what I saw thanks to that light was something that I will never forget.

I looked down at my leg I multiple inhuman creatures reaching out for me in desperation and as I glaciated into their eyes I was so in shock that I tried to scream but forgetting I was currently being drowned it only led to the sickies water entering my lungs.

Their eyes looked just like King Raphael's former wife and their bodies contained the same burnt in incarcerations as well...but that leaves me one question, how are these people still moving?!?

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