Chapter 16

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In order to form the new alliance, there's a high possibility that war may occur between each side, especially the people who don't believe dragons should exist and the dragons who don't believe that humans should exist in the first place.

Thinking of it that way makes me worry, I mean sure Hades and Zilio may be strong individuals but if we're thinking of potential war there will definitely be more individuals that are against the alliance, meaning we'd be outnumbered.

I believe it's only fair to include both Felix Chevalier in this scenario, Felix being a royal knight may know a thing or two about combat strategies while Chevalier may have the ability to create some sort of armor in case we manage to get more human soldiers on our side, then again currently my teammates consist of a doctor, a holy sword willing dragon slayer, a slime, a dragons slave, and said dragon slaves terrifying master dragon.

Maybe I should begin searching for some possible additions to our team before we return to the Windmontley Castle, but where do I start?

I've never started a war nor have I ever been involved in one, the Shaemore Empire had never been one for creating enemies therefore we've never had any conflict with other nations but unfortunately that experience may have changed the way I'm thinking about this.

Hold on a second, Hades has lived over thousands of years and I'm sure he must've been alive during the first medieval war which surely means he's more experienced than me when it comes to stuff like this, why not just leave all the difficulties of assembling a team and collecting everything that would be needed?

...Actually, never mind, this is Hades the void dragon, there's no way he'd be able to pull any of that off without causing any problems.

I sighed staring into the empty sky as countless thoughts ran through my head, there's so many things that I don't have figured out yet everyone here decided to trust me with forming a new bond between the humans and the dragons, just what have I gotten myself into...?

"Haa...what should I do, grandfather? I'm so lost." I whispered clasping my hands together, only the gods can help me now, once I repent of all of my sins I can start again with a clear head.

That is all I need in this moment of my life, my relationship with the gods will always be deeply important to me despite what I have done I know that they'll accept me with open arms...and I couldn't be any more grateful for that.

I took a short breath before closing my eyes as the silence of the room surrounded me, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know
the difference...amen." I whispered, gently pressing my head against the mattress of the bed.

Things have been nothing but chaos ever since I left the Shaemore Empire, sometimes I wonder what I'd be doing if I hadn't left at all.

Though I also wonder what everyone else is up to, with Zilio being sent here by the queen it's quite clear that Emma and the others haven't given up on me quite yet—that's reassuring, especially considering I wasn't sure whether they had made it back home safely or not.

But there's no reason to be so gloomy, I'll be able to see them soon enough...soon.

Knock Knock
"Atticus—oh, my apologies am I interrupting?" Speaking of Zilio, "Course not, what's up?" I shook my head standing back to my feet as he made his way into the room quietly before crossing his arms with a sigh.

"Oh right, I left Hades and Zippie with you guys! I am so sorry I'll go take care of th-" Slam! "-em.."
"No." Zilio interrupted, pushing the door shut with as much force as possible before dropping his head with his sword falling to the ground.

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