Chapter 24

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Who would've thought that the dragons scent would lead us to another terrifyingly, dark cave?

I honestly didn't want to step foot in another cave after everything I had experienced in the last cave I had explored, but I guess I don't have as much as a choice as I did then that I do now.

"This is the place," Hades said, approaching the cave as I had taken a step in attempt to follow him before being pushed back by Zilio.

"Stay behind me, you're still recovering."
"Ah...right, okay..." I had completely forgotten about the fact the doctor had told everyone that I was suffering from a nonexistent illness, but of course none of them were informed enough to confirm that it existed and therefore they simply assumed that his worda were true, even Raphael.

The only problem with that is the fact that everyone and by everyone I am simply referring to Zilio in this context, is just so focused on protecting me, which I'm grateful but at the same time I'm also trying to learn protect myself again.

Hades stopped at the entrance of the cave causing Zilio to run straight into his back and groan before lifting his head, "Agh...what is it now? You chickening out already?" He teased,

Hades chuckled, "Why of course not, I simply request that my bride remains by my side."

"You stopped for that?!?" Zilio shouted,

"Obviously?" He said questionably as I rubbed my neck before making my way in between the of them to prevent them from arguing as Hades grabbed my arms to wrap them both around his.

"Hey, be careful! He could faint at any second!"
"Yes, yes, I understand that quite well~" I sighed as Hades placed his other hand in front of him as a small purple flame had appeared in his palm, slightly lighting the cave before us as we entered.

"So, what's the plan once we locate the thing?"
"Whatever my darling bride decides,"
"I know that you—haa, Atticus just answer."
"Well...we don't know anything about this dragon in particular, so unfortunately I don't know."

Zilio sighed, crossing both of his arms as I continued to observe our surroundings in hopes of finding something and as my head was turned I had tripped over my feet causing Hades to catch me and Zilio to panic, "Oh-! Uhm..."
"Oh darling, are you alright?" Hades said as Zilio pulled me away from him to lift my off my feet.

"You should've stayed back at the castle if you were only going to get in the way." He sighed,
"Sir Zilio." Hades said intimidatingly as Zilio rolled his eyes holding me in Hades direction as I jumped out of his arms back onto the ground.

"You don't intimidate me." Zilio said, continuing to walk forward as Hades reached a hand out to me, assisting me in standing back to my feet as we watched Zilio disappeared into the darkness.

Hades sighed, "Such a troublesome human, that pride of his will surely get him killed one day~"
"Don't say stuff like that...Zilio!"
"Haha, you don't agree~?" He continued, smiling as I had grabbed his hand walking closer towards Zilio as he patiently stood ahead of us, waiting and once we had caught up we continued our journey deeper into the mysterious cave.

Which soon led to two different individual paths, " spilts, what do we do?"
"Hmh, Zilio take the left." Hades instructed,
"What?!? You're taking Atticus with YOU?!?"
"Obviously~" He responded happily as we made our way down the right path until Zilio was no longer in sight and his voice was no longer heard.

Now leaving Hades and myself alone, which allowed me to catch my breath.

"You're quite the actor my dear,"
"Must you find it necessary to tease me whenever you're given the opportunity...?" I replied as he laughed letting his flame float out of his palm and into the air in front of us, freeing his other hand.

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