Chapter 6

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There's a saying that my grandfather would always tell me when I was younger.

"The beauty of love is that you can fall into it with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time." I never understood the true meaning of that saying until now.

Except this time I believe that I've been falling for the wrong person this entire time, Hades isn't someone I should love for many reasons.

I mean for one he's a dragon but we're also both male and neither of us has the right to fall for another in such a short period but what can I do? If I continue to stay with him and he doesn't change the way he's been treating me I just might be in more trouble than I thought.

"Welcome, What is it I can help you with." We entered the building to be hit with a strong scent of whiskey and beer, and once I looked up I saw a muscler man manspreading on a sofa while chugging a cup of beer but from the looks of it, I guess I should say his 10th cup of beer.

This guy is a total drunk, There's no way this is the actual person we're looking for right?

"...Greetings, are you perhaps this village's jeweler? If not would you be so kind as to lend us the directions to find him." Hades said calmly, I'm surprised that he isn't overwhelmed by this smell it's beginning to make my head hurt.

The guy stood to his feet as he sniffed, "Naw you're in the right place, The name's Henry, Henry Keller." He glared at Hades as his gaze shifted from him to me, he looked a bit confused.

"Huh, what are you doing hiding there?"
"I-I'm sorry, It's just that the smell is -hao-!" without another word Henry crouched down, I stared at him in confusion before glancing at Hades once again.

I felt a light tug on the string that held my underpants together but when I looked at Hades I realized that his arms were crossed together, and the next thing I knew Henry backed away while holding them in his hands as a gust of wind blew through the shop, lifting my cloth and revealing everything.

I screamed grabbing both sides of the cloth before falling to my knees and staring at the ground in embarrassment, my head was starting to spin. I thought everyone was done with the stripping Atticus idea but I guess I was wrong, At the same time I shouldn't have let my guard down—even if it were Hades I should've attempted to remove his hand before he did anything embarrassing.

No, I shouldn't have to put up with any of this harassment in the first place. What is wrong with these people, is no one normal anymore?!?

Hades glared at me before kicking the door shut, I suppose it would've been smarter to close it once he walked inside but still, I couldn't help but assume that the air gods were out to get me because this wasn't the first time something like this has happened to me in this village.

"What fascinating clothing, tell me Have you been wearing these clothes around for the past few days?" Henry inspected the underwear as I sat on the floor at a loss for words which left me with the only option to nod in agreement.

Hades stepped behind me before lifting me in his arms as he stared at my front cloth, I knew if I let it go it was going to lift again and I know I've been saying many positive things about Hades lately but he is still in fact a pervert who will take advantage of me at any moment given.

"I see...there are small pieces of emerald inside of this here material. Whoever created this must be skilled in both clothmenship and intelligent with jewels—no, they must be a part of a jewelry guild with this type of talent." The guy began mumbling nonsense after that.

I couldn't keep up with everything he was saying but he seemed more interested in the underwear than the reason we came all the way here.

Eve doesn't seem all that talented if you look at him from the outside but I've come to notice he does have an interesting side where he talks about clothing rather often, "Psst, Hades."

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