Chapter 12

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This situation feels a little familiar to our first encounter with Chevalier, but of course, it has its differences...this is extremely embarrassing.

"Excellent, our audience has arrived darling." Hades glanced over at me with a pervy smile as I stared at him in complete terror, someone please tell me that he's not going to continue what he was doing with this random guy watching.
"H-Hold on don't—Ngh!" I was cut off by Hades continuing to thrust his hips as I turned my body around in an attempt to hide.

I couldn't bite my arm any harder than I already was, it hurt like hell but there's no way I'm allowing myself to cry out in front of this guy!
"A-Ah...Hey, stop that! He obviously doesn't want you doing this!" The guys shouted, causing Hades to come to an abrupt halt.

The atmosphere of the room went cold, Hades didn't say a word as he glared at the guy coldly.

Normally this would be a misunderstanding but for once I'm the one that wanted this...what are we supposed to do now that he's seen us?

Hades pulled out of me as I fell to the ground almost crushing Zippie in the process—luckily he was able to move away in time.

I took a short breath before sitting up to clench Hades's hand, "...Please, don't." I pleaded as the captain of the ship stood there speechless.

This situation is both awkward and embarrassing, I should've been more cautious...agh what were you thinking Atticus?!?

Thinking with your what's in between your legs instead of your head, how ignorant! I can't believe it, for once this situation is completely my shameful.

"You there, what is your name," Hades asked,
"...M-My name?" The man's voice was trembling as his eyes widened in complete and utter fear.
"I shan't repeat myself." Hades stated heartlessly.
The man coughed, "Issac, Issac Fletcher."
"Yes, Issac. Return to the deck."
"W-What?!?...Excuse me but this is MY ship and you're trespassing while assaulting this young innocent boy!"
"You're Dismissed." Hades's voice fell dark as the atmosphere of the room became heavy as the rest of us remained motionless.

Zippie dragged my skirt over my feet while shaking frantically, I couldn't bring myself to move a muscle but after a moment of silence, the man—Issac began stepping away cautiously.

He didn't say a word as he made his way up the stairs, though as he exited the room he maintained eye contact with me as if he were determined about something...this can't be good.

"...This is humiliating!" I whined pressing my hands against my eyes as Zippie jumped into my lap to get comfortable before pressing a tentacle against my hole which I am just now realizing is full of Hades's seed...someone please end me.

Hades sighed as he pulled me closer by the leg leaving me in a rather awkward position.
"Ah-! H-Hades hold on this position is..."
"Your hole is completely full, how inviting."
"Zipp Zippiee?" Zippie made his way onto my thigh as he stared at Hades for confirmation.
"What, N-!"
"I don't see why not, foul creature." Hades interrupted me as Zippie began stretching me out farther to begin eating the semen still inside of me...this is too much, I can't take much more of this, it feels like I'm losing my mind.

I can't stop trembling...this stimulation is too much.

...but for some reason, my body's also enjoying this.

"What a pleasurable sight," Hades commented,
"Don't look—Haa!" I lifted my arms in an attempt to hide my face as Zippie made his way back onto the floor, I felt weak.

Hades removed his hand from my leg as Zippie sang some type of melody to himself, I don't think I have the energy to move a single finger.

Though now is the most unfavorable moment for this to happen to me, what are we supposed to do about that Issac man? He believes we're both trespassing—which isn't wrong but he is also under the impression that Hades is a predator of young guys—which also isn't completely wrong, but the point is that Hades needs to make it to the nation of Yecuria to solve their problems and without him that would be practically impossible.

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