Chapter 10

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The Nation of Giton, also known as the Nation of Honor and Support—didn't know that did you?

The people of Graycott are known to be kind and generous to those who are willing to treat them with respect and kindness, but of course, as a nation, they have their fair share of interesting individuals—those said individuals are who I'm currently saying goodbye to this morning.

"Unfortunately, we can't do much to assist you both on your journey," Chevalier said softly, Felix squeezed Zippie in his arms as tears began forming in his eyes, "T-That's a lie, We've all given them something to take with them." He sniffed, as we all tilted our heads in confusion.

"Ahem...Henry forged the necklace for Atticus while Ciaran tailed his clothes, I've given Hades some pretty good advice and Silvia's giving Atticus a taste of jealousy..." I interrupted,
"But one thing we've all given them both is our support and friendship," he continued, this may be the first time that I've heard Felix sound so confident in something he's said, but unfortunately it may be the last time as well.

"The snowflake's knight is rightt! Plus the next time ya visit you'll have some places to go!" Henry laughed, roughly patting Felix on the back which only caused him to drop Zippie and scream in pain as Silvia laughed and Chevalier sighed in disappointment—or annoyance?

Zippie whined as he hit the ground before jumping into my arms as I smiled, as for Hades, I don't believe he has many emotions about the situation.

He's just been observing the conversation for the past few minutes, fortunately, we're taking Zippie along with us—without him, it would only be the two of us again, which was pretty awkward since we weren't and still aren't, exactly on the same page when it comes down to lots of things.

"It was truly a pleasure meeting you both, I hope you'll visit again quite soon." Silvia stepped forward to embrace me before backing away with a smile across her face, unfortunately, I couldn't spend as much time with her as I wanted to, we may not have much in common but Silvia does remind me what it feels like to have fun.

"Shall we go, my dear?" Hades placed his hands on my waist before lifting me and sitting me down on the back of the horse Felix began crying while everyone began waving goodbye, this village has earned such a special place in my heart in such a short amount of time.

Hades mounted the horse, automatically taking off from the village, I wrapped my arms around his torso to prevent myself from falling as Zippie hopped onto my shoulder with a tentacle wrapped around my forearm as he squealed.

"Zippie catch!" A faint voice was heard but by the time I had turned around the silhouettes of my newly founded friends, were fading away as Zippie held folded clothes that were neatly wrapped with a brown piece of string by none other than Chevalier himself, may the gods bless them all and protect them from any danger.

I hope that I'll be able to come back and visit again soon, Hades slowed down the house to a slower pace as I removed my hands from his waist to observe my surroundings.

This forest was much deeper than I had anticipated but I must admit that it is a rather well-preserved area, not too overgrown and a few animals could be seen walking around without a care in the world.

"Ziippie, Zi Ziippies!" Zippie said while constantly jumping up and down on my shoulder in another attempt to get my attention—even though he got my attention by saying my name.
"Hm? Is something wrong Zippie?"
"Zippiee." He responded while handing me the wrapped clothing that Chevalier had sent.

Hades's eyes were focused on them, "Impressive, he completed the within a few hours." He grinned at me before turning his head to focus on the path ahead as I sighed, "You...this may be an ignorant question but are these clothes perhaps more appropriate than my current ones...?"

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