🥀 You 🥀

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Your doe eyes are like deep oceans of melting chocolate, so sweet and addictive to stare into. They're accompanied by long and feathery lashes that fan over your soft, bread cheeks like the feathers of a vibrant peacock.

They're so easy to get lost in, so bright and glittery when you're as delighted as the glorious Sun. They crinkle into adorable little crescent moons whenever you smile that brilliant smile of yours, that same gummy smile of yours that never fails to send my heart into overdrive.

Your lips are so luscious and pillowy and rosy, even more magnificent when they curl up so cutely at the edges and spread to reveal your teeth in a joyous grin. They push up into your cute button nose and soften your tender features into one of the most wonderful expressions I've even had the honour of seeing.

Your hair, short and so silky, seem so soft and frame your gloriously crafted features like the mane of a lion, like the frame of a priceless masterpiece. They fall over your beautiful eyes like theater curtains, concealing its artistic beauty from everyone.

Your voice, so soft and sweet, sounds like the most melodious notes of music to my ears. So comforting it is, the way it shapes each word - every syllable - with such elegance and gentleness is so intriguing. The way your voice sounds like the sweetest honey, the softest symphony, the way it melts my heart is indescribable.

You, my lovely doll, are the most magnificently crafted being I've ever met, the sweetest and most adorable little thing I've ever seen. No matter where we are and where we go, I will never be able to forget your surreal beauty, for you are far more memorable than you think.

For now, all I wish is to be able to admire you from afar until I can no more, for even when you grow old and senile, you will remain just as, if not more gorgeous. You deserve to be as admired as the most priceless gems get to, no matter what.

You will remain one of, if not the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on, and that will never change. So, please never forget that you will always have me to admire you and write silly little poems about you, even if I'm not physically around. Please remember that you are worthy of affection, whoever you choose to receive it from.

I hope you like yourself as much as I like you. Please be as happy as you are. Until we part ways, this will be my parting note to you.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now