🥀 What They See 🥀

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I stare at my face, reflected on the
polished mirror. My eyes, relentless
as they take in each and
every feature they perceive.

My eyes — they say — remind them
of Bambi: doe-like and sweet
and toned like the finest
aged whiskey, with their myriad
of galaxies glimmering within.

My eyelashes — they say — are the
perfect compliment to my eyes.
Not too much, not too little. Just
like my spectacles, they too,
frame my eyes like priceless art.

My eyebrows — they say — are
expressive and just perfect for
me. Their messy nature is
endeared by them, and their
animated expressions admired.

My nose — they say — remind them
of a bunny: soft and adorable
and button-like at the tip.
They say, they perfectly fit my
soft face, and they wouldn't like it
any other way.

My skin — they say — is like
the galaxy: my blemishes like
the shimmering stars and pores
like the plethora of planets,
my face coloured just like the
multicoloured galaxy and scars
like paint streaks.

My lips — they say — look stunning:
their thickness and Cupid-bow shape
beautiful in their eyes. One of their
favorite features of mine, they say,
are my lips.

My voice — they say — reminds them of
the scent of musk and roses: comforting
and deep and smooth to their ears.
Its depth and tones, they say, are
their favorite in my voice.

I stare, unwavering, letting my
tears slowly stream down my face.
I watch as the drops race one
another down the rocky path of
my blemished skin, more following suit.

I continue to watch with wonder,
as a shaky smile stretches onto my lips.
My heart hurt, knowing I couldn't
see what they could of me.

But it made me wonder;
could I possibly see it, too?

Maybe not now, maybe not tonight,
maybe not tomorrow. But maybe, just maybe, I'll admire my own features the
same way others do.

Maybe in the future, I too,
would be able to romanticise
my flaws the way they do. Maybe then,
would I perhaps love my 'flaws'
and call them otherwise.

Maybe then, I'd truly love the way
I look, and love my features for their
imperfectly perfect beauty, as they make
me what I am.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now