🥀 Sunlit Scenery 🥀

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The glorious Sun glimmered above,
its vivid amber glow all around,
highlighting the dew upon the florals
and the freckles on her sunburnt cheeks.

The warm beams of sunshine fell over
her caramel locks, brightening the waves
and curls that flowed down her back
endlessly like starless midnight rivers.

The ribbons of silken light caught the Cupid's bow of her pillowy lips, shadow
pooling into the defined dip and glossing
over the rosy balm she had on.

The glittering rays of gold caught in her
honeydew eyes, illuminating the twinkle
of mischief and joy that she trademarked,
and the love she harboured for me alone.

We sat in a field of flora, the blooming
blossoms dancing along with the gentle
symphony of the breeze and preening
under the spotlight of the smiling sun.

Butterflies of all shades and sizes flew
about, their vibrant wings blending with
the colourful view; birds chirped with glee
and nipped at ripened fruits with greed.

The clouds above floated with grace,
their pale curves and soft — a sight
to see in the stretch of blue, modestly
dressing the delighted star that gleamed.

Despite the land around seeming a
paradise on earth, my eyes were yet to
glance, even for a mere moment, away
from the goddess I sat beside.

Her smile grew as she realised too,
her eyes flitting over to meet my own,
a flush of pretty pink now glowing under
her chocolate freckles as her lashes batted.

My heart, which had been racing all this
while, skipped steps and hops as she
leaned in close, and closer still, the twinkling joy in her eyes yet to fade.

Her lips, soft as snow, pressed against
my reddening cheek, a giggle slipping past
her lips as my whole face was set alight
with a darkening shade of bashfulness.

She then moved back, as though nothing
had happened, and continued to sight-see,
like my widened eyes and burning cheeks and lovesick smile was normal to her.

The glorious Sun continued to glimmer
above, its vivid amber glow all around,
highlighting the dew upon the florals
and the freckles on her rosy cheeks.

The glittering rays of gold caught in her
honeydew eyes, illuminating the twinkle
of never-ending joy at flustering me, and a sparkle of unconditional love reserved for me and me only.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now