🥀 Moonlit Melancholy 🥀

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The night sky stretched on like a canvas
drenched in ebony — starless and clear
with no one save for the moon above.

Satin strings of pearly moonlight set the
darkened landscape aglow, fireflies
fluttering like beads of blazing glimmer.

There he stood, lone among the tall trees,
with nothing to go to, no one to talk to,
and no where to go.

His eyes gloss over in the pale light,
drops of diamonds escaping his eyes,
and racing each other down his ivory skin.

His lithe hands tremble, clutching himself,
shaky sighs falling from his pale lips,
as his eyes continued to weep in woe.

His heart, weak and broken, start
freezing over despite the warm summer
breeze, slowing down in its somber beat.

Fireflies float about him, illuminating his grey eyes and ruffled hair, his damp cheeks and cracked lips; his sorrow ever-growing.

The moon above crowned the night sky,
claiming her obsidian throne in its heart,
staring down at her sorrowful child.

She calls out to him, tries to coax him,
attempts to attract his attention,
but all to no avail.

Watching as drop after drop of despair
falls from his red eyes and taint his sunken cheeks, her eyes too brim with grief.

Her tears drop, one after another, down
onto the poor soul, the sky now filled with
dusky clouds that mourn along their queen.

The fireflies soon dim, the misery tangible
in the cooling air, and soon flutter off,
their little heads bowed low in gloom.

The boy continued to sob, his eyes shut,
as he felt unloved, in a world where everyone else felt it unconditionally.

If only he saw, that the dusky clouds,
the dimmed fireflies, the glowering moon,
all loved him more than he'd ever know.

If only he knew, that the nature encircling
him, all in its everlasting glory, shared his
deep anguish and dire agony.

If only he realised, that the dark forest
felt his pain, and grieved with him;
a moonlit melancholy.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now