🥀 Dahlias 🥀

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I watched the endearing sight with
a soft smile adorning my lips —
her sweet giggles and joyous
smile warming my heart with love.

She giggled some more as she
cradled the bouquet of dahlias
against her chest, her eyes glossing
over since they were her favourite.

So when she turned 'round to meet
eyes with me, they glimmered with
uncontrollable glee as she
whispered, "I love you..."

My heart fell even more for her
than I thought it ever could.

I blink rapidly, as laughter rings
out near me, but my eyes gloss over
as I dive deep into yet another
memory, refusing to return to reality.

I watched the adorable sight with my
cheeks flushed in a shy rosy pink —
her smile ever–glowing as she
gently carried my pet cat.

She murmured sweet nothings
into my Mocha's fluffy ear as
she scratched her head, Mocha
purring ever so delightedly at the love.

Seeing my lover and my cat
bonding just felt so special, just
because I loved them equally and
wanted them to get along.

My smile grew even wider when
Mocha turned 'round to stare at me,
my flower doing the same with
an expression so profound.

I watched the adorable sight with my
cheeks flushed with a shy glow —
her face hauntingly ethereal as she
mouthed, "I love you..."

My heart fell even more for her
than I thought it ever could.

I blink back to reality, feeling a
cool breeze brush against me, but
I resist the urge to shiver, for I knew
what I'd see next would wound me.

I watched the sight in front of me,
my heart cracking just a tad,
as her pretty giggles echo
through the cold room.

Her smile seemed as vibrant as
the glorious sun as she typed away,
her soft cheeks permanently tinted
in a shade of ruby red.

The sight was beautiful — her
happiness seemingly boundless at
that moment — but it wounded me, knowing I'm not the reason for her joy.

I knew she wasn't texting one of
her friends, and I hated how I knew
who it was she was talking to. My frown
deepened, but I could not do anything.

It only hurt a little bit, because
I'd already seen this coming.
I knew her well, almost too well, so
I knew what she felt for me now.

It wasn't the eternal love she
promised me, it wasn't the loyalty she
vowed about, it wasn't the care
she used to shower me with.


It was just affection, the kind you'd
feel for a mere friend, the kind you
wouldn't wish to indulge in, the kind
where there wouldn't be anything more.

It wasn't the unconditional love I felt
for her, it wasn't my loyalty that I
carried for her, it wasn't the care or
the devotion I harboured for her.


Whatever she used to feel for me,
it was slowly dwindling. Her love
was dying down like a flame without
fuel, her feelings no longer for me.

And I knew all too well, for the last
few weeks of coughing up her
favourite flowers told me enough
and more about my unrequited love.

She was falling out of love with me.
And I was dying from my love for her.
She was falling for another.
And I was fading away, all for her.

I stared at the porcelain vase next
to her, the radiant reds and pretty
pinks of the dahlias glowing under
the golden silk of the sun.

I wanted to scoff at the irony;
my dahlias for her hadn't withered,
like my love that hadn't faded, but
her's had already ebbed away.

I finally blink back to reality — albeit
reluctantly — my eyes glossy from
withheld tears of sorrow as I refocus
my vision that always went back to her.

I watch the sight in front of me
with envy sowing its seed within
my broken heart, my frown deep
as I feel my heartache bubble over.

She has fallen for another.

I recall as she giggles sweetly
and smiles with joy at the
other man the same way she
used to once do with me.

Her lithe hands gently grip a
pretty bouquet of pink dahlias,
cradled against her chest as
she giggles some more.

She turns to the other, a soft
flush of rose taking over her face
as she murmured, "How'd you
know they were my favorite?"

A tear threatens to spill over as I
recall how I had told her new lover
what all she liked and disliked and
wanted and needed and desired.

I've done all I could to make her new
lover the best he could be, so that
he can love and care for and protect
and cherish her the way she deserves.

All because I still love her, even
if she doesn't feel the same.
I love her so much more than
words can ever describe.

I can and would do anything for
her, even if she wouldn't for
me. All because I love her more
than she could ever love me.

I may not be able to do much now,
but one thing that remains is how
I'm willing to die for her, because
I don't want to lose my love for her.

My love for her awakened me;
my love for her revived me;
my love for her delighted me;
my love for her enlightened me.

And now that love for her
is what's going to kill me;
that is what's going to
capture my last breath.

How ironic.

Her Dahlias had wrapped their vines
around my heart; their stems have
stabbed my lungs; their petals drown
in my blood as they flood my body.

I am willing to die, all just for her.

Once I took in my last breath,
I caught sight of her blinding smile,
and I knew then and there,
that her happiness was mine too.

If she was happy, then I was too.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now