🥀 Happiest Of Them All 🥀

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Out, she stared through the
large foggy window, watching
the dew droplets race one another
down the translucent glass.

She followed listlessly with
dull eyes, how the small drops
of dew rolled down without
a care; without a single worry.

She looked past the dew drops,
to watch the foggy and slowly
awakening city below. Shops and
cafés opening up, and people
sluggishly moving on.

She watched how they all simply
worked and moved and flowed
within their own path, all without
any stress over what's coming next.

She saw their cranky moods, their
grumpy frowns, their downcast
eyes, their lack of sleep.
Yet, they all went on, not once
focussing on their urge to go home.

A teardrop slowly formed at
her waterline, falling out of its
confinement and rolling down
her sunken, hollow cheek.

Another emerged from the very
depths of her soul, as she let
herself mourn over what all she
had to deal with and they needn't.

Her tears of hurt fell one
after the other, like the rushing
stream of a crystalline waterfall
of utter sorrow and despair.

She glanced down at the now
bustling sidewalk with teary
eyes, watching all the lively
little children, all hugged by their
thick coats like little bear cubs.

She saw their bright, cheeky smiles,
their cubby cheeks flushed from frost,
their small eyes crinkled from joy,
their happiness oh, so infectious.

Her tears were all pouring now,
never ending as drop after drop
came rushing down without a care
over her cold, flushed face.

A feathery shiver crawled up her
spine, a sea of goosebumps
pebbling her cool, lacklustre skin
from the icy chill of the early sun.

She rubbed away at her fragile
arms, desperate to ease the ice
out of her bones. A sensation
of discomfort soon settles in.

She hates it.
She hates it all.
She hates it all so much.
She couldn't have hated it anymore,
but she did, and with each
and every fibre of her
weak, hurt, broken heart.

A throaty sob broke out of her
throat, quickly followed suit
by yet another pained cry. And
again, came yet another, despite
her efforts to muffle
them with her icy palms.

Sob after sob after sob,
cry after cry after cry,
sniffle after sniffle after sniffle;
her heart cracked just a tad
more with each and every
passing second of utter agony.

She felt stranded at sea —
the salty sea water slowly
filling her lungs as she
desperately tried to breathe,
drowning in her remorse.

She felt as a loner in a
lively crowd — standing alone
as delighted couples and
happy friends walked past, all
while remaining ever so lonely.

She felt like a patient in an
asylum — an outcast from the
remainder of the whole
world, like she didn't deserve to be
with them, like she remained
undeserving of everything.

She felt completely isolated;
she experienced suffering;
she felt pain like no other;
she experienced guilt and remorse.

A pitiful hiccup lodged itself in
her throat, as she glanced over to
the beeping machine connected
to her by several wires.


Her heartbeat — it was slowly
but surely slowing down. She
could feel it, she could see it on
the brightly lit monitor.

She was dying.
And she knew it very well.
She had accepted it.
And she wanted– no, needed it.

She smiled, a sad one but
a satisfied one nonetheless.
What was there not to like?
She'd finally be free.

And there she sat in her hospital room,
isolated from all the others,
crying her heart out from sorrow,
laughing out loud from joy.

For she knew better than anyone,
that all will be over soon.
Very, very soon.
Just a little bit longer,
just a little bit more...

And just then—



It was all over.


And she couldn't have been
any happier, than those lively
little children, than all those
cranky, grumpy workers.

She was the happiest of them all.
She was finally at peace.
She was finally free.

It was all over.

And she, she was the happiest of them all.


🥀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 🥀Where stories live. Discover now