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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖮𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤

KIMI and Isadora often Facetimed whenever the two athletes weren't busy with their sports. So the warm October afternoon in Orlando, Florida was nothing different for the two. While Kimi was packing for Monza, Isadora was talking his ear off while she packed for Camp Geneva which was in a few days.

The curly hair boy didn't seem to mind his female best friend talking about whatever came to her mind. She often did that without realizing it, but whenever Isadora did realize what she was doing, she'd often get a bit flustered.

"My rib cage hurts, and ibuprofen isn't helping." Isadora sighed holding the part that was most likely sore from her being at Top Gun Orlando constantly. "Well, what have you done to make your rib cage hurt?" Kimi asked while he folded up his shirts. Isadora thought for a second before explaining what she thought was the reason for her pain, "Maybe it's because of all the double fulls and kick double fulls I've been throwing at practice. No, never mind, I've been doing those since I was nine so that isn't the reason. So it might be because I'm working on triple fulls in my free time, and I keep overrotating."

Kimi listened to every word that came out of her mouth, "Yeah, maybe it's because you're sore from Revelation's practices that are held three times a week." he suggested. "Could be, but I'll survive. It's not like I'm dying from an infection that's eating my insides." the light brunette shrugged her shoulders. "You and that kind of yours," Kimi mumbled shaking his head. "Shut up Mr. I've never had a girlfriend and I've only held hands with two girls and one of them is my mom." Isadora smiled, "Isa, I swear to god if you keep mentioning that, and besides I've held hands with you multiple times. "Only me and your mom." she smiled even more at Kimi's flustered expression.

Soon silence filled the call as Kimi got up and left his phone in his bedroom as he went to use the restroom. "I love messing with him," Isadora whispered to herself, and it was true. Any time the chance for her the tease the sixteen, she would take it in a heartbeat.

Then Isadora got up to go get cookie dough ice cream out of the freezer while Kimi was still in the bathroom. So when he came back into his bedroom, he was worried about where Isadora went. If she was still in Bologna, Italy instead of Florida, he would've walked over to her house due to the two being neighbors in the past. But now her father had moved back into the house beside Kimi's family a few months after the messy divorce between him and his ex-wife.

"Always leaving me all by myself," Kimi sighed before continuing to pack what he would need for his weekend in Monza.

A few minutes passed before Kimi saw Isadora enter her room with cookie dough ice cream in one hand and a spoon in her other hand.

"Though we were supposed to be packing together not attempting to eat a whole thing of the worst ice cream flavor to exist." the older boy threw shade at the younger girl. "Shut the fuck up, that's why you're going to be single for the rest of your depressing life." Isadora playfully rolled her eyes. "Shut up about me and my love life." Kimi gave her a bit of attitude, "But it's hilarious, you're too pretty to not have a girlfriend by now." the girl complimented the guy on the whole other side of the world. "Oh, uh thanks." he suddenly felt his face heat up.

The two continued to talk for around forty minutes before Isadora's mother called her downstairs because she had to go to cheer practice. "We'll talk tomorrow?" Isadora put her cheer shoes on, "Of course, have fun at practice. Bye." Kimi waved at the phone screen, "Bye, Kimi."


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first chapter!!! also, every month will be 4 chapters, so like chapter one as week one of October, and so on.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 - 𝖪𝖠𝟦Where stories live. Discover now