CHAPTER 5: Meeting

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Violet's POV

I woke up with a killing headache. I'm trying to open my eyes, but my head would hurts more every time I do it. When I managed to open my eyes light greeted me.

I looked around me and saw that I was laying on a bed. It was strange bedroom. I've never been here before. The room was huge, the bed was king sized, everything was in white. Whoever kinapped me must be billioner.

WAIT! Kidnap!

"HELP!" I screamed and ran to the door and started hitting on it anf screaming.

"Calm down." Someone said calmly behind me and I shivered and halted.

"Who are you?" I asked the silhouette standing in the dark corner.

I know that it's a man but I can't see his face. His voice is rough and I was being held captive.

"Sit down." He said and I complied with no argument.

"Please sir. I'm sure you've got the wrong person. I don't know you." He slowly walked from the dark and the light hit his face. I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I said glaring at him.

"I don't want anything from you. I want you." He smirked and walked towards me.

"What? Are you a psychopath?" I yelled and started hitting his chest.

"Enough!" He yelled ans stopped me from hitting him anymore by holding my hands.

"You know this is considered kinapping. This is illegal and I will sue you when I leave." The man laughed a malicious laugh.

"You think I will let you leave? You think you could get away from me? I suggest you get used to here and get comfortable in this room. This is yours from now on." His voice was dead serious.

I looked into his deep green eyes. He was way more attractive when you look closely at him. His jaw was tightened as he looked into my eyes. Tears started forming in my eyes but I refused to let them free from my eyes.

"Listen. If you think I will be afraid from you and be a little girl that would do whatever you ask her to do." I said and he smirked.

"Feisty. I like that." His smirk widened.

"You are sick!" I screamed as he was still holding my hands.

"Get ready for dinner." He said and left the room, closing the door with a bang. I jumped from the noise and glared at the door.

Like hell I will get ready for dinner!

I turned towards the window and tried to open it. Luckily it was not locked. I was on the first story and one jump and I will land safely on the ground. That seems so easy, unlike in the movies. I gathered my courage and jumped. I landed on the grass and started running far away from the house I was in.

I ran for about 10 minutes in the forest that seems that it will never end. I was out of breath but I was happy to get away from that hoy psychopath. I stopped running and sat next to a tree and started taking slow breath to calm my erratic heart.

Suddenly 5 SUV's surrounded me. I couldn't see who's inside of them and I was afraid. But I was ready to kick some asses today. I've had enough.

"I hope you had your fun princess." I turned around and saw that psychopath. Why does attractive men have to be rude and psychopaths.

"No not yet." I replied.

"Go ahead. Run as much as you want. I'll always find you." His words shouldn't affect my heart like this. I shouldn't be out of breath just by hearing his voice.

"Let me go." I screamed. Four other men, that I recognized from the restaurant stood next to him and smirked at me.

"We're sorry princess, but what the don wants, the don gets." The blonde one said.

"Stop calling me princess!" I yelled. They all laughed and that fueled my anger more.

"Come on let's go back. We'll miss the dinner." The handsome psychopath said.

"I don't even know your names." I said sighing in defeat.

"The names Giovanni." The blonde smirked faking a bow.

"I'm Paolo." The blue eyed boy said with a gentle smile.

"This one here is Erico." Blonde said. I mean Giovanni. "He is a bit tough." He whispered and Erico rolled his eyes smacking him.

"Shut up." He grumbled.

"Ow man. Not in front of her." Giovanni complained and I rolled my eyes at his childness.

"I'm Mario." Mario kissed my hand which earned a glare from this psychopath.

"And the psychpath's name is?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Vincenzo." Ugh even his name is hot. It's unfair.


"Violet. We know."

"Great. I know your names. You know my name. Now I can leave. Bye." I turned to run, but a pair of hands stopped me.

"We like you a lot to let you go easily." Giovanni said.

"Listen. I won't tell the police about anything. I can give you money too, but let me leave. My friends are worried sick for me obviously." I said with a smile so that they will believe me.

"Are you coming willingly or we will drag you?" Vincenzo said glaring at me. I gulped and followed him to his car


Vincenzo's POV

"Where is she?" I asked Gretta as she descended the stairs.

"She took a shower and getting dressed sir. Although she was being difficult."

"That's understandable." Giovanni said and I sent him a glare.

"In 10 minutes if she doesn't come down I want Erico to bring her." I said with a serious voice and Erico sent me a court nod.

"Okay." He said.

"What happened with the news about the 'darkblood'?" I asked Paolo.

"I'm still searching. But I got a lead about Elijah Robbie. He's been going to La' Mort' club. I can bring the exact date when he'll be down and I'll bring him to you." Paolo said.

"Good." I said smirking. That f*cker will die and I'll make sure of it.

"I'm famished." Giovanni complained like a 5 years old baby.

"Shut up Giovanni." Mario said and Giovanni frowned.

"It's been already 11 minutes. WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" I roared and they all fell silent. Erico stood up and went to bring her to me.

"Get away from me! I can walk by myself." We heard an angelic voice saying. I smirked and they all looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Bipolar bitch." Giovanni muttered but I discard his comment.

"I could have walked by myself." Violet snarled sitting down in the empty chair. Which is next to me. "Im talking to you." She said. I ignored her again and I can feel her anger which left a satisfying feeling inside of me.

Suddenly Violet took the glass of wine I was drinking and threw it in the floor breaking it. I saw red.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed and she looked at me with those brown eyes but I wasn't thinking straight.




"Vincenzo come." Giovanni led me out of the room as Violet fell to the floor crying.

"Giovanni stop." I commanded him.

"You are not thinking straight Vin. Calm down and then you can go back." He said and I sighed.

"I need to torture someone."

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