CHAPTER 8: Danger in the party

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Violet's POV

"Let's go have dinner now. Everyone is waiting for us." Vincenzo smirked and opened the door for me to exit.

"I don't want to see anyone." I replied with a glare.

"No can do princess." His stare was cold. Just like his heart.

"Leace me alone! You threaten me and my friends and you will force me to do whatever the h*ll that you want." I took a step away from him. Vincenzo laughed.

"You know princess. I will have fun breaking you." He winked at me, but I didn't understand what he means.

"What do you mean?" I asked but he ignored me. I stopped him by his elbow. "What do you mean?" My vioce was raised but I didn't care.

"You will know in time."

At that my stumach grumble and I blushed whem he smirked. Maybe it needs some food. Stupid stomach.
"Ah finally we were going to eat without you." Giovanni said with a dramatic sigh.

"Shut up dumbass." Mario smacked him. I rolled my eyes at their childishness.

"Sit down." Vincenzo ordered me and I rolled my eyes.

I sat down next to Mario, far away from Vincenzo. I still don't know who those people are. I still don't know why I'm here. I miss Tracy and Carl. They must be worried sick about me.

"Cosa è succeso del contrabbado sul nostro territo?" Vincenzo spoke in what seem like Italian. My heart skipped a beat at his accent.

(What happened about the smuggling on our territory?)

"Abbiamo detto Virgilio che può contrabbandare tutto ciò che vuole con il tuo permesso." Erico replied.

(We told Virgilio that he can smuggle whatever he wants per your permission.)

"Good." Vincenzo said. He then looked at me intently. Why does his eyes have such an effect on me? I averted my eyes to look at my empty plate.

"Violet. Eat." I rolled my eyes at his bossy words." I looked at the table to see that there was escalope, tuna salad, steaks, french fries,and many more platters that I've never seen. Maybe they are Italian.

"Try this. It's called carbonara. It's my favorite dish. With the spaghetti the chef add eggs, pecorino cheese, cured guanciale with a lot of black pepper." Mario said putting me some on my plate.

The dish looked delicious. I took my fork and started eating. I closed my eyes at the delicious taste and smiled. I opened my eyes to see everyone had a teasing smiles except Erico and Vincenzo.

"It is indeed delicious." I smiled at Mario.

"Enjoy your food then." He went back and started filling his plate with the same spaghetti, which I know now its name is Carbonara.

"Capo, uno delgi uomini di Haden Bliss è qui. Ha detto che ha bisogno di te con urgenza." A bulky man entered the room with a hard look.

(Boss, on of Haden Bliss's men is here. He said he need you urgently.)

The guys tensed. Whatever this man said is definitely not good. I looked at Vincenzo, to see him looking with boredom at the guy.

"Tell him to wait for me. I need to finish my meal." He said dismissing him.

"I wander why you are so calm about this." Giovanni told Vincenzo.

"Do you think a man like Haden Bliss will affect me?" Vincenzo smirked. "I let himplat a bit. It's time for him to repay no matter how many men of his he sends." Vincenzo stated calmly finishing his meal.

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