CHAPTER 17: Hardyn's restaurant

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"Where are we going?" I yelled at Vincenzo as he kept dragging me away from the building.

"There was something that wasn't right back there. It was like you were taking revenge from someone. What happened Violet?" He asked concentrating on my face, more precisely my eyes.

"It was nothing. I just enjoyed using the gun." I shrugged. He looked like he didn't buy it.

"Flower, please talk to me." He pleaded me but I wasn't going to tell him the real reason. Not now at least.

"Really Vinci there is nothing." I said with finality in my tone.

He was going to say something but he was interrupted by his ringing phone.

"Che cosa?" He barked to the phone.
"Di che cazzo parli? Non ho una spedizine domain!"
( The f*ck are you talking about? I don't have a shipment tomorrow!) He was yelling and I felt sympathy for the person on the other end of the phone.

"F*ck!" Vincenzo yelled throwing his phone.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"No. Come on we are going back home and you are going to the Hardyn's restaurant." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"For real?" I squealed.

"Yeah." He grumbled. "You are taking Tracy's car too. But a bodyguard will still follow you." He said and I nodded.

"As long as I will be seeing Mr. And Mrs. Hardyn I don't care who tags along." I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Good. Here comes Tracy." I looked at the entrance and there she was walking happily towards us.

"We are taking the car you bought me on my birthday." She said squealing. "I missed it!" She said adoringly and I laughed at her behavior.

"Great let's go then." I said taking her arm and guiding her to a probably wrong direction.

"This way V!" She laughed guiding me to the left while I was taking her to the right.

"I wish you would be this happy when see me." Vincenzo grumbled.

"You wish." I smirked as we got into Tracy's car.

"Off we go." She yelled turning the radio on.

"Vincenzo is so strange." I said turning the radio down.

"What do you mean?" Tracy asked.

"He said he will never let me go back to the restaurant yet here I am on my way just because he had an angry phone call." I said  rolling my eyes.

"Well I am happy with my car back and us going to the Hardyn's restaurant." She shrugged.

"Tracy." She hummed. "Is there something you are keeping away from me?" I asked her looking suspiciously at my bestfriend.  She tensed and laughed.

"No. What makes you think that?" She continued laughing nervously.

"I can feel it inside of me that there is something wrong you know. You are my best friend. You don't keep anything from me." I tried persuading he into talking but she didn't. I was worried what is going on with her. Was she okay? Did Vincenzo threaten her?

"Did Vincenzo threaten you?" I asked. She looked at me like I am some sort of an alien.

"Of course not. He wouldn't do something like that." She replied nonchalantly.

"Why? He is a Mafia Leader. He is capable of anything." I said crossing my arms.

"True, but don't you see it?" She asked.

"See what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He is attracted to you." She smirked.

"He is my boyfriend of course he is attracted to me." I laughed nervously. For days I let my guard down. I shouldn't have.

"Come on V. I know you are not in a relationship. Not yet at least." She smiled.

"W– haha no." I laughed nervously this time. She shouldn't know. Vincenzo would hurt her.

"It is okay V. I am not mad at you for lying. I am sure you had your reasons. Plus Giovanni told me the truth." She smirked and at that moment I wanted to kill him. He risked my bestfriends life.

"Just drive." I said. But I couldn't brush that feeling from inside of me.  The feeling when she said that Vincenzo is attracted to me.

Was he really attracted to me? Or was she just imagining things. I sure would hope that he isn't. But then why did he kidnap me and call me his?

I know what king of me,  the mafia leaders are. Everything is a game to them. They always want to win. They don't care about a family. Although the guys looks like they are brothers. They have each other's backs. That is what I respect about them.

Vincenzo was attracted and I feel strange things will go away with time. I can't end up with someone like him. He is a criminal, and I, all I want to have is a peaceful life, away from criminals drama.

We arrived to the Hardyn's restaurant. Tracy parked the car and we got out. I looked at the place I didn't visit since weeks ago. The aroma of food hit my nostrils as I looked at Carl running around with new female waitress.

"Carl!" Tracy yelled.

The young man froze. He looked at us and his eyes widened.

"Filles!" (Girls!) He yelled.  "Où étiez vous?" (Where were you?) He asked approaching us.

"Hello Carl." I laughed hugging him.

"Why do I feel left out?" Trace rolled her eyes.

"You know Tracy that Violet is ma préféréé." He smirked.  (My preferable.)

"As much as I know French, I can say that you prefer Violet over me." Tracy crossed her arms.

Carl laughed and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back.

"I head you were both going on vacation. Where did you go?" He asked eagerly.

"Oh uh we went to Hawaii." I replied instantly.

"Oh wow." He replied smiling.

I felt bad for lying to him, but one bestfriend knowing the truth and being in danger is enough for me.

"There is a man glaring at us." Carl whispered.

"Where?" I gasped looking around until my eyes feel on a furious Vincenzo. I looked at him confused. I didn't do anything.

I walked towards him and sat thechair facing him.

"When did you come here?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"As soon as I heard that you are hugging a man." He growled. What is he an animal.

"Last time I checked you aren't my boyfriend." I snapped at him.

"Last time I checked, you were mine." His fist balled on the table. I wasn't afraid.

I was blushing. What the f*ck is wrong with me!

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